What’s at 40 to look 30

The Golden Rules of Nutrition for Women over Forty were published by the British edition of the Daily Mail, bringing together the main experts in the field of nutrition – nutritionists and nutritionists.

Nutritionist Amelia Freer, whose ward is Victoria Beckham, advises give up low-fat and diet foods, from which the main “fatty” components have been removed – they are replaced by stabilizers, emulsifiers, sweeteners. She also recommends limit the amount of fruit, because their abuse can lead to spikes in blood sugar.

Nutritionist Jane Clarke also states that do not eat foods low in fat… Fat is good for your health because provides saturation and allows fat-soluble vitamins to be absorbed. Of course, we are not talking about fast food, but about healthy fats that you find in avocados, olive oil, fatty fish, nuts. Fats can help reduce the risk of dementia and a host of diseases. Jane hot recommends drinking coffee! It turns out that recent studies prove that this drink reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes and literally saves dementia.

Nutritionist Megan Rossi encourages do not exclude complex carbohydrates from the dietsince this can lead to bowel disease. In her opinion you need to eat at least 30 different plant foods per week – it will perfectly support the work of the gastrointestinal tract.


Nutritional Advisor Dee Breton-Patel recommends cook food at home, but stop using refined vegetable oil: under the influence of high temperature, its structure changes, aldehydes are released, which can provoke the development of cancer and heart disease. Preferable eat olive, coconut and ghee.

Nutrition expert Jacklyn Caldwell-Collins advises start the morning with vegetables and fruits as smoothies or fresh juices, not sugary cereals. They also recommend necessarily include fermented foods in the diet: sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, which contain beneficial bacteria, fiber and probiotics that facilitate the absorption of nutrients by the body.

Nutritionist Henrietta Norton warns that you shouldn’t buy cheap dietary supplements and vitaminsbecause they are most often made from synthetic chemical compounds and are not absorbed. True, she recommends taking high quality food supplements as directed by a doctorsince too many vitamins and minerals entering the body can be as dangerous as their lack.

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