Take care of the intestinal microflora
Although autism is a development disorder in which brain function plays a role, most people suffer from it also feels ailments from the intestines. As it turns out, the composition of the intestinal microflora of children with autism differs from that of healthy children. A study on mice in California showed that administering a health-promoting strain of bifidobacteria helped alleviate behavioral symptoms. Scientists cannot yet explain how bacteria influence behavior. One hypothesis is that A leaky gut allows compounds that damage the brain to enter the bloodstream. The beneficial microflora cares for the reconstruction of the intestinal ecosystem and strengthens their sleep, preventing leakage. Therefore, it is important to ensure the correct composition of the intestinal microflora, for example by the supply of appropriate probiotics.
Align the sugar
Spikes in sugar levels are especially problematic in those children who also show hyperactivity. When blood glucose levels rise rapidly, episodes of hyperactivity occur. Hence, it is important to take care of supply of complex carbohydrates in the dietand avoiding simple sugars.
Choose the right fat
Dr. Gordon Bell’s research indicates that some autistic children have an enzyme defect. It removes essential fats from the membranes of brain cells more quickly than under normal conditions. Therefore, such people may require greater supply of unsaturated fatsthan healthy. It turns out that EPA (eicosopentaenoic acid) supplementation has a beneficial effect on improving mood, behavior, sleep and concentration.
Increase your intake of vitamins and minerals
As early as the XNUMXs, Dr. Rimland pointed out that vitamin B6, vitamin C and magnesium have a significant impact on improving the quality of life of autistic people. The beneficial effects of vitamin B6 supplementation may be related to the fact that most people with autism suffer from pyroluria. As a result, pyroles formed in the body combine with vitamin B6 and zinc and are excreted from the body.
Scientists also believe that vitamin A, in the form of retinol, could make a big difference. It is widely known for its effects on the quality of vision, but it does as well affects the production of healthy cells in the intestines and brain. The proper work of both organs is the target of researchers dealing with autism.
So what should not be missing in the diet? As for vitamin B6, its source is meat, grain products, fish, pulses, potatoes. In meat and cereals, we also find zinc and retinol. Additionally, good sources of vitamin A are dairy products, butter, eggs and fish.
Pay attention to food allergies
In the case of people suffering from autism, it is important detection of food allergies. Due to digestive problems that accompany allergies or intolerances, a number of harmful substances can reach the brain. This affects the deterioration of his work. There is a view that in the case of autism, it may be beneficial to introduce a gluten-free diet and exclude casein. Many parents of children with autism recognize the beneficial effects of such a change in nutrition on the health of their children. However, studies do not support this theory.
Main photo is from: LifeSupercharger / Foter / CC BY
The photo in the content is from: HealthGauge / Foter / CC BY