What results can we expect from an impedancemetry?

What results can we expect from an impedancemetry?

The results of the tympanometry are expressed on a tympanogram and show whether the middle ear is functioning normally or not.

They make it possible to identify, for example:

  • damage to the eardrum
  • the presence of fluid in the middle ear
  • a serous otitis

After examining the stapedial reflex and if it is not triggered:

  • this makes it possible to diagnose the cause of conductive hearing loss in the stimulated ear:
    • the most frequent being theotospongiose (the caliper is stationary)
    • it can also come from a dislocation of the ossicles
  • assess the location of facial nerve damage in the event of facial paralysis

Read also :

All you need to know about otitis media


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