What restrictions are still in force in Europe?
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In Poland, the last stage of easing the restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic took place on March 1. At that time, the attendance limits in cinemas, restaurants, transport and meetings were lifted. However, there is still an obligation to wear masks in means of communication and in closed facilities. And what does it look like in European countries? Where and what restrictions are still in place?

  1. From the beginning of the year, epidemic restrictions have been lifted in European countries
  2. More and more countries are departing from the obligation to present covid passports
  3. The Scandinavian countries and the United Kingdom went the earliest and furthest in easing the restrictions
  4. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage


On February 19, in Austria, in cultural and sports facilities, excursion locations and mass events, the 2G rule (admission only for the vaccinated or recuperated) was replaced by the 3G rule (admission also for the unvaccinated after showing a negative test for the virus). On March 5, most sanitary restrictions were lifted, including requirement to show covid certificates. FFP2 masks must be worn in high-risk areas (hospitals, nursing homes, etc.), shops, pharmacies, banks, post offices and public transport.


In Germany, lifting the covid restrictions has been planned in three stages. The second stage entered into force in early March. As part of it, the restrictions in the catering and hotel industry were loosened. In restaurants and hotels, the 3G rule applies (admission for convalescents, vaccinated persons or those with a negative test result), in clubs and discos the 2G rule. The occupancy limit is 60 percent. for indoor venues and 75 for outdoor events.

  1. see also: NOPs after COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Huge US study and a clear conclusion

The last stage of lifting the restrictions will take place on March 20. There will then only be an obligation to wear masks in means of transport and in some closed facilities.


In early February, the obligation to show covid passports was abolished. They are no longer valid when entering restaurants, clubs, arcades and during hotel stays. Indoor face masks are still in place, but the government has just announced a loosening of the rules. Soon they will no longer be required, among others in shops, the order will still apply to public transport, nursing homes and elderly people, and medical facilities.


At the end of February, restrictions on admission to the premises for unvaccinated people disappeared. On March 28, it is planned to raise the limit of presence in closed rooms and during open-air events, to lift the order to close venues at certain times, and to loosen the rules on wearing masks.

  1. Find out more: Why are some people suffering from COVID-19 so hard? The new study says more about the influence of genes


In Ireland, some covid restrictions were lifted at the end of January. In mid-February, covid certificates expired and most of the orders were replaced by recommendations. From February 28, the requirement to wear masks applies only to means of transport and health facilities.


The covid passport (Super Green Pass) is still valid at the entrance to restaurants, closed cultural and sports facilities. The order is to be lifted on March 31. This is not required for outdoor events. FFP2 masks are required in closed rooms and in means of transport.

  1. Read also: What are the symptoms of Poles suffering from COVID-19? This is the first such study


In the second half of February, discos and nightclubs reopened in France, concerts resumed, consumption in cinemas was allowed, as well as standing in bars. From February 28, an order to wear masks is no longer required in places where access depends on the possession of vaccination certificates. On March 14, the requirement to show the covid certificate in restaurants, bars, cafes, cinemas and stadiums, as well as the requirement to wear masks indoors, will be lifted.

The Netherlands

In February, discos and nightclubs resumed operation. In the second half of last month, the obligation to wear masks was limited only to public transport vehicles, and on February 25 the covid passport expired.

Great Britain

In Great Britain, the lifting of restrictions has been going on since the beginning of the year. Covid passports are not required. On January 27, the requirement to wear masks was replaced by a recommendation. The last change that went into effect on February 24 is the removal of the legal requirement to self-isolate in the event of confirmed infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. J.this is only recommended. From April 1, there will also be no universal access to free antigen tests.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Denmark, Sweden, Norway

The Scandinavian countries were the first – apart from Great Britain – to begin to bear all restrictions related to the coronavirus. Denmark did it on February 1, followed by Norway and Sweden a moment later.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we were wondering why switching our thinking and acting to slow life is a real challenge? Why is listening to your needs so important? What will it do for us? You will hear about it below.

Read also:

  1. How to strengthen immunity and avoid COVID-19? Simple advice
  2. How long have you contaminated with Omikron? New research by scientists is surprising
  3. COVID-19 explosion in China. Despite the “zero-COVID” policy

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