What restrictions are in force in Poland from December 15? [LIST]
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On December 15, new restrictions came into force in Poland. This is the reaction of the Ministry of Health to the still high number of infections, as well as the appearance of a new variant of Omikron in the world. The number of people who can stay in public facilities, such as restaurants or hotels, is lower, and important changes also apply to travelers coming to Poland. By March 1, selected professional groups will be compulsorily vaccinated.

What restrictions are in force since December 15?

Limits in the occupancy of premises

From December 15, we are introducing limits of 30 percent. occupancy of the premises in restaurants, bars i hotels. They will be closed discos, clubs and establishments that provide places to dance. Increasing the limit will be only for vaccinated persons verified by the entrepreneur – informed min. Kraska during the press conference on December 7.

Wherever 50 percent was in force so far. filling limit, it will drop to 30 percent. This rule also applies to kin, theaters, sports facilities i sacred. Additionally, in cinemas there will be a ban on consumption.

In closed facilities. Will appear limited to 100 peoplefrom which vaccinated persons will be excluded.

Transportation Limits

From December 15th, restrictions on the population will apply means of public transport.

Remote learning

We are introducing distance learning in primary and secondary schools from 20.12.2021/9.01.2022/XNUMX to XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX. We want to take advantage of the upcoming winter holidays and extend the period of absence from schools – he informed min. Roller.

Compulsory vaccinations for selected groups

The Ministry of Health is preparing to introduce compulsory vaccinations medical services from March 1. Work on this matter is also carried out in relation to uniformed services i teachers. As assured by the Deputy Minister of Health, Waldemar Kraska, work is underway on a relevant act regulating this issue.

  1. Mandatory vaccinations for COVID-19 is a good idea? Doctors comment

Mandatory tests for household members

People living with those suffering from COVID-19 must undergo an antigrain test – such a rule was introduced by the Ministry of Health on December 15. The test will also apply to people vaccinated and COVID-19 certified.

  1. Mandatory COVID-19 tests. Who will have to do them? New rules

Vaccinations for children 5-11 years old

As previously announced by the Ministry of Health, vaccinations for children aged 16-5 will start on December 11. Registration for vaccinations was launched on December 14, a few days earlier, referrals were available in the system.

What should you know about childhood immunization?

  1. The pediatrician warns parents. “Any child who is not vaccinated will get sick”
  2. How to prepare a child for vaccination? The pediatrician explains
  3. What are the symptoms of Omikron in children? They can be unusual

Return from outside Schengen

From December 15, people returning to Poland from outside the Schengen area will have to show a test made no earlier than 24 hours before crossing the border.

These restrictions still apply

It is worth recalling at this point that some rules are still in force in Poland to limit the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which were introduced in previous epidemic waves. Here they are.

Obligation to cover the nose and mouth

Covering the nose and mouth is mandatory in confined spaces throughout the country. This can only be done with a mask – surgical (disposable), FFP2 or FFP3. Covering the nose and mouth with cloth masks, visors, scarves and scarves is not recommended.

The government website lists the places to comply with this obligation:

  1. on the premises of shared properties (e.g. in the staircase),
  2. on the bus, tram and train,
  3. in a shop, shopping mall, bank, market and post office,
  4. in the workplace, if there is more than 1 person in the room (unless the employer decides otherwise),
  5. in the workplace during direct customer / client service,
  6. in the cinema and theater,
  7. at the doctor’s, at the clinic, in the hospital, at the massage and tattoo parlor,
  8. in the church and school, at the university
  9. in offices and other public buildings (in court, cultural institutions, banks, post offices, etc.)

From 1.12, the obligation to cover the mouth and nose will be introduced in schools and universities during breaks between lessons and classes, unless otherwise decided by the head of the entity.

Hairdressing and beauty salons

These types of institutions are open and can operate under strict sanitary regime.


Sanatoriums are open and available to patients. However, the condition for the stay is a negative result of the diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2 or vaccination against COVID-19. The material must be collected no earlier than 4 days before the start of the rehabilitation stay.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Read also:

  1. What are the symptoms of the new Omikron variant? They are unusual
  2. The new superwariant. Is it more dangerous than Delta?
  3. How many unvaccinated Poles died from COVID-19? The data is shocking

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