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High blood sugar is not always the result of undiagnosed or poorly treated diabetes. Glucose spikes are also associated with abundant meals, stress or too little or too much physical activity. There are other less obvious reasons for the rise in sugar as well. They can also contribute to the development of insulin resistance and diabetes. So what are the lesser-known causes of the spike in blood sugar?

  1. Sugar levels are influenced not only by your diet, but also by many other factors
  2. For example, lack of sleep, stress, and some medications contribute to the spikes in glucose
  3. Find out what makes your sugar levels rise
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Impact of sleep deprivation on sugar levels

The increase in blood sugar levels may be influenced by lack of sleep or its reduced quality, i.e. waking up at night, problems with falling asleep or irregular sleep associated with shift work. Why is this happening? The consequence of too little sleep is the formation of pro-inflammatory molecules and a disruption of the hormonal balance (including the production of cortisol, TSH or growth hormone), which results in the development of insulin resistance.

In order to alleviate sleep deprivation problems, you can reach for:

  1. herbal supplement Harmonix 500 ml for better sleep;
  2. 3 mg melatonin to improve sleep quality;
  3. L-tryptophan + Bacopa monnieri capsules for sleep;
  4. dry CBD Erdbeerli 1 g to fight insomnia.

When you drink too little water, sugar rises

Dehydration also contributes to the spikes in blood sugar levels, and thus the risk of type 2 diabetes. If you drink too little fluid throughout the day, your blood volume will decrease. As a result, the body produces more aldosterone, the blood pressure hormone. Unfortunately, an increase in aldosterone affects the release of insulin and reduces the sensitivity of cells to its action, which causes blood sugar levels to rise. According to studies, drinking adequate amounts of water during the day reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Also reach for glucose lowering supplements:

  1. Insulinmed poziom glukozy Pharmovit;
  2. GlucoBalance — suplement diety Doctor Life;
  3. Dandelion Root 520 mg – dandelion root extract;
  4. Gymnema Sylvestre 400 mg supporting the maintenance of the proper sugar level.

Stress raises glucose levels

Another cause of elevated sugar levels is emotional stress and stress caused by injuries, surgeries and infections. Then, stress hyperglycemia occurs, the production of cortisol increases, and this hormone influences the additional production of glucose. In stressful situations, a similar effect is shown by other, more secreted hormones, including adrenaline, glucagon and growth hormone.

Try ashwagandha 450 mg for stress and Stress release YANGO capsules with valerian and lemon balm.

Read also: How to deal with stress?

Sugar spike from heart attack and stroke

Another little-known cause of high glucose levels is a heart attack. Higher sugar can be found in a blood test of a person after a heart attack, even if they do not have diabetes. Hyperglycemia also occurs in the early stage of stroke – this phenomenon occurs in up to 50% of people. people experiencing ischemic stroke.

Support the work of the heart by choosing a healthy lifestyle. You can also strengthen this important organ with preparations such as the Ubiquinol 100 mg supplement or the Panaseus Heart Formula with ashwagandha, turmeric and chokeberry extract.

Medicines that disrupt the sugar economy

Certain drugs also affect the blood sugar level. Their action affects the processes in the body responsible for the secretion of insulin. Drugs that cause hyperglycemia include, but are not limited to:

  1. glucocorticosteroids (e.g., dexamethasone or hydrocortisone);
  2. diuretics;
  3. beta-blockers and amiodarone;
  4. statue new;
  5. antipsychotics (e.g. clozapine).

The effect of the period on blood sugar levels

The menstrual cycle is closely related to constant hormonal changes. During the ovulation phase, FSH, LH, and estrogen levels rise, leading to a short-term rise in blood sugar and mild insulin resistance. This condition may also appear 3–7 days before the beginning of the next cycle.

If you are looking for supplements recommended for carbohydrate disorders, try the DIABETOPOL white mulberry and fenugreek supplement. You can also choose a herbal tea with mulberry or a YANGO supplement with banaba leaf.

Diseases that cause an increase in sugar levels

Certain diseases can also be included in the causes of high glucose levels. In addition to diabetes, these include:

  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome;
  2. Cushing’s syndrome;
  3. untreated hyperthyroidism;
  4. hiperaldosteronizm;
  5. chronic pancreatitis.

Appropriate treatment of the above diseases and controlling the sugar level will allow for better health monitoring. Monitor your blood sugar level yourself using a blood glucose meter available at Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time our guest is Marek Rybiec – businessman, as one of 78 people from all over the world, he completed «4 Deserts» – ultramarathon taking place in extreme places around the world. She talks to Aleksandra Brzozowska about the challenge, mental strength and mindfulness training. Listen!

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