What products cannot be combined

Sometimes it seems, why breakfast has become across the throat, and lunch gives off stomach cramps, although on your plate there were only healthy and correct foods, and the portion size was feasible. It is imperative to analyze not only each product separately, but also to check them for compatibility: sometimes a duet of incompatible products plays a cruel joke with us and does not allow each of the components to give their vitamins and microelements to the body.

Meat and pasta

Dedicated to lovers of naval pasta and dumplings. When paired, these foods cause bloating and fermentation in the abdomen. Heavy carbohydrates take energy for the digestion of protein and meat fibers, resulting in colic and constipation. Meat is best eaten with vegetables.

Potatoes and butter


Potatoes have a high glycemic index and high calorie content, they are great for raising blood glucose levels. In response, the pancreas releases a large dose of insulin, which in turn stimulates the fat cells. And all the tasty butter that you spice up the potatoes with accumulates in the body and settles in unnecessary places.

Meat and cheese

Cheese is rich in phosphorus and meat is rich in zinc. Both of these substances are incompatible in one dose, since phosphorus inhibits the absorption of zinc. Plus, indigestion, abdominal pain, and bloating. Transfer the cheese to snacks, and continue to take meat in the main meal with vegetables or cereals.

Wine with red meat

Wine contains tannins that interfere with the absorption of iron. If you often eat meat and poultry with red wine, you can significantly reduce the level of hemoglobin in the blood and cause an anemic state.

Fish and vegetable oil

Fish is a source of beneficial omega-3 unsaturated acids, which have a beneficial effect on our nervous system and joint function. And vegetable oils, in particular sunflower and corn oil, contain omega-6, which negate all the painstaking work of omega-3.

Eggs and fish

Fish is a source of vitamin B7, and eggs contain ovidin, a substance that completely destroys a useful vitamin. And the protein for one meal is too much, which will certainly affect your well-being.

Vegetables and alcohol

If the ingredients of your stew or salad contain vitamin B1, then even such a healthy glass of wine for dinner will make it difficult to assimilate, as, indeed, many others.

Potatoes and eggs

The iron and calcium found in the egg cannot be absorbed due to the minerals, which are very abundant in potatoes. This pair of foods is also very difficult for the stomach to digest.

Cheese and tomato

The acids that are rich in tomatoes react with calcium in white cheese – this reaction is very negative for the function and health of your joints. Therefore, do not eat salads based on cheese and tomatoes often.

Cucumber and tomato

All your attempts to enrich yourself with vitamin C, which is generously supplied with a tomato, will be reduced to 0, as soon as you add at least a drop of cucumber juice to them. The ascorbic enzyme from cucumbers will destroy the vitamin and prevent you from taking a step towards your health.

Tea and yeast dough

And for dessert – a delicious tea party with yeast rolls can turn into unpleasant fermentation and a feeling of heaviness in your stomach. This is with regard to the use of yeast dough in general. Tea contains tannins that do not help a number of minerals and vitamins to be absorbed, and the dough is not so useless at all. It contains vitamin B1, which helps the nervous system to stay healthy. But here, too, tea does not benefit the absorption of this vitamin.

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