In every country there are those who are fond of all kinds of diets and get hung up on products, endowing them with the properties to literally dissolve all the extra pounds. And in each country, these products are different – from mint to chocolate.
Oranges for Cubans
Cuban chefs believe that if you serve fatty pork in orange sauce, it will be absorbed better and will not be deposited on your sides. Oranges really stimulate digestion and improve metabolism, and also contain vitamins and antioxidants that are beneficial for a slim figure.
Mint for women in Morocco
Peppermint is widely used in medicine and it is not surprising that it is used for weight loss – it stimulates digestion and the production of enzymes that prevent the accumulation of fat under the skin. Mint is added to tea, as well as to any other dishes where it will be appropriate.
Olive oil for Greek women
In Greece, olive oil is used in almost every dish – it is appreciated here for its beneficial composition and stimulating the production of adiponectin, a hormone that breaks down fat and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Mustard for French women
The slender inhabitants of France are sure that Dijon mustard, a popular sauce here, helps them keep their shape. It speeds up the metabolism and breaks down fat deposits, converting them into energy.
Garlic for the inhabitants of Italy
Italians use garlic everywhere, preferring spicy dishes to unleavened ones. Garlic boosts immunity and has anti-inflammatory effects. It also stimulates the digestive tract and increases metabolism.
Sauerkraut for German women
Sauerkraut has a lot of useful properties and is highly valued in Germany for this. For weight loss, cabbage has the ability to cleanse the intestines and thereby accelerate the loss of kilograms. Also, during fermentation, cabbage releases probiotics that normalize the microflora in the intestines and lower cholesterol.
Curry Powder for Indian Women
Curry is a national Indian dish that is prepared on the basis of curry powder – a mixture of spices that stimulate digestion, metabolism and speed up the process of weight loss. These are coriander, red and black pepper, ginger, cardamom, turmeric, curry leaves. It is curcumin that stimulates digestion and breaks down fat.
Miso paste for Japanese women
Miso paste is made from soybeans and salt using molds – natural probiotics. Miso is rich in proteins and amino acids. Thanks to all this, a person remains full and the flora of his intestines is renewed and restored, immunity is increased and the digestive system works harmoniously.
Saffron for Spanish women
Saffron is a very aromatic and tasty spice that is found in many Spanish dishes. Despite its high price, its use is fully justified: the acids that make up saffron destroy cancer cells, lower blood sugar levels and normalize digestion.
Chocolate for Mexican women
Mexican sauce for meat, molé poblano, is made on the basis of dark chocolate, thanks to which the meat is better digested and the sauce is satisfying enough that you no longer need to eat for long hours.