What problems of patients are solved by insurance representatives

The range of calls to insurance representatives is very wide: the inability to quickly make an appointment with a therapist or a narrow specialist, the imposition of paid medical services, and sometimes just for the advice of specialists in matters of compulsory health insurance.

Thank you for helping to make an appointment as soon as possible for a planned hospitalization at the ophthalmology department of the Russian Railways Road Clinical Hospital for the surgical treatment of cataracts, – thanks the staff of SOGAZ-Med Alexander Dorofeev.

Evgeny Loshkarev thanks for the objective and professional clarification of the rights to receive medical care under the policy under the compulsory medical insurance.

Representatives of the company try to find an individual approach to each contact and help in solving the problem.

Many thanks to SOGAZ-Med, St. Petersburg for organizing a correspondence consultation for my 5-year-old son Andrei at the N.I. Turner St. Petersburg, Department of Bone Pathology, says Yulia Korotchenko. – My child and I live in Krasnodar, here we received a compulsory medical insurance policy, and now I know for sure that thanks to such professionals, any insured adult or child can count on highly qualified assistance in leading clinics in Russia, regardless of where they live. Thank you for your professionalism, human participation and confidence in the well-coordinated work of the CHI system in your company!

Numerous words of gratitude received by the company are the main indicator of the high level of professionalism and responsibility of the entire SOGAZ-Med team.

If you are insured with SOGAZ-Med and you have any questions related to the receipt of medical care in the compulsory medical insurance system or the quality of medical services, please contact SOGAZ-Med by calling the 8/800 contact center phone number 100-07-02-XNUMX -XNUMX (call within Russia is free). Detailed information on the website www.sogaz-med.ru.

Справка о компании

The SOGAZ-Med insurance company has been operating since 1998. The number of insured is over 19 million people. Regional network – more than 660 subdivisions in 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. SOGAZ-Med carries out compulsory medical insurance activities: it controls the quality of services provided to the insured when receiving medical care in the compulsory medical insurance system, protects the rights of insured citizens, and restores violated rights of citizens in the pre-trial and judicial order. In 2019, the Expert RA rating agency confirmed the rating of the reliability and quality of services of the SOGAZ-Med insurance company at the A ++ level (the highest level of reliability and quality of services in the framework of the CHI program according to the applicable scale). For several years now, SOGAZ-Med has been awarded this high level of assessment.

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