What precautions should be taken in public transport to avoid catching the coronavirus?
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Experts recommend avoiding crowded places. This also applies to means of public transport (bus, tram or metro). Find out what precautions people should take to avoid getting exposed to the coronavirus.

Does public transport function normally during an epidemic?

Public transport works normally, but timetables may change in individual cities. Only half of the seats or 30 percent can be occupied in a bus, tram or subway. all places. According to the recommendations, it is best if every second seat is occupied. Thus, if there are, for example, 80 seats, there may be a maximum of 40 people on board, for example, a bus. The introduced limits do not apply to means of transport for disabled people.

  1. Symptoms of virus infection. Three basic and a whole list of non-standard

How can we ensure safety in public transport?

First of all, travel by public transport, i.e. by bus, tram, train or metro, should be limited to absolutely necessary situations. If we have to move through them, it is worth remembering to take appropriate precautions:

  1. if possible, try to ventilate the vehicle frequently during longer journeys, e.g. by train;
  2. when traveling, for example, by subway or city bus, remember about the appropriate distance from passengers – preferably if it is a distance of more than 1 meter, although the CDC suggests 1,8 m;
  3. we should also remember about the obligation to cover our mouth and nose when we are in public space – in this way we will reduce the risk of accidental spread of the coronavirus;
  4. try to disinfect your hands often while traveling, especially if we touch different surfaces in a given vehicle.

It should also be remembered that people suspecting COVID-19 or undergoing quarantine absolutely cannot use public transport.

The risk of airborne transmission of the coronavirus in public transport

When using public transport, it is important to remember that the latest scientific research has confirmed that the COVID-19 coronavirus is not only transmitted by airborne droplets. Airborne transmission is also possible, which means that tiny virus particles exhaled from the mouth or nose can remain in the air for a long time (approx. 12 hours).

  1. How is COVID-19 spread? The role of air transmission

Most often, transmission occurs in unventilated places. In this case, it is very important to maintain a social distance (at least 1,5 m), and to cover the nose and mouth in public spaces.

Are you infected with the coronavirus or someone close to you has COVID-19? Or maybe you work in the health service? Would you like to share your story or report any irregularities that you have witnessed or affected? Write to us at: [email protected]. We guarantee anonymity!

How can coronavirus infection be prevented on a daily basis?

In particular, maintaining an adequate level of personal hygiene can help in the spread of the coronavirus. So let’s remember to:

  1. always wash your hands carefully and thoroughly with soap and water – regardless of whether you are at home or outside, remember to wash your hands for at least 30 seconds, if you do not have such a possibility, disinfect them with a disinfectant with a minimum content of 70% alcohol ;
  2. we regularly clean surfaces that we often touch – it is enough to wash them with soap and water to effectively destroy the lipid (fatty) cover of the coronavirus – then it ceases to be active. Let’s wash, among others handrails, door handles, table tops, desks or a TV remote control;
  3. keep a distance from your interlocutor – preferably 1-2 meters;
  4. avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose – this is the easiest way to transmit the coronavirus to yourself;
  5. frequently disinfect your cell phone and put it aside when eating;
  6. cover your face when sneezing or coughing – it’s best to do it with your elbow, if you have a mask on your face, then gently remove it and replace it with a fresh one;
  7. eat healthy food and remember to hydrate the body properly – use an easily digestible healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables, avoid processed products, alcohol and cigarettes, try to drink min. 2 liters of water every day;
  8. obtain information about the coronavirus epidemic from proven sources – this way you will avoid misinformation, panic and act rationally.

The editorial board recommends the most important articles about the coronavirus:

  1. This is how COVID-19 begins. These symptoms appear at the very beginning
  2. Coronavirus infection symptom. It can last for months
  3. When can a doctor refuse a referral for a COVID-19 test?

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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