Check if you have them at home or in the country.
13 May 2021
Children get to know the world by tasting and touching the surrounding objects. They are especially attracted to the bright flowers and fruits of plants, but many of them can cause serious harm. We will tell you which ones are better not to start at home.
In sunny weather, some plants release toxins that increase the skin’s sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, chemical burns occur at the site of contact.
If you do get burned, immediately put the contact point under cool running tap water. Wipes won’t help, they will make things worse. There is no way to wash off the aggressive substance – cover the damaged area and get to the source of moisture as soon as possible, trying not to get into direct sunlight.
The burn appears when interacting with ultraviolet light, huge blisters appear. Do not treat the wound under any circumstances, even Panthenol and Rescuer are prohibited. To dry the blisters, make 2-3 days of black tea or oak bark infusion so that healing will go faster. If it hurts very badly, give your child pain reliever. Do not open the blisters and peel off the crusts, scars and age spots may remain. Large burn area – show your baby to the doctor.
The sap of the plant contains furocomorins, it is they that increase the photosensitivity of the skin. Blisters appear, then ulcers, the wound does not heal for a long time. The hogweed should not be touched with bare hands, it is better not to approach at all: the poison can seep through the clothes.
Meadow parsnip
Even in cloudy weather, the juice should be washed off with water as soon as possible. With burns, there is an increase in temperature, weakness. Scars and dark spots may remain, in most cases they disappear within a year.
Ash (Incombustible mound)
It releases essential oils (phytoncides) that are activated by exposure to sunlight. Flowers and seed boxes are especially dangerous. At the moment of contact, the person does not feel anything, the skin begins to turn red and blister only after 12 hours. Threatens with the most serious burns, in children – up to II degree.
Plants that contain poisonous alkaloids
Poisonous plants are full not only in the forest, but also in city flower beds and summer cottages. The most dangerous are their seeds and fruits.
If a child has suffered from these plants, call an ambulance immediately and flush the stomach. Give your baby one or two glasses of cool water to induce vomiting. Drink gently, otherwise water will enter your nose and cause asphyxiation. Under no circumstances do an enema so that the contents of the stomach do not get into the intestines as well. Do not give activated charcoal and gastric remedies. Washing is enough to reduce the concentration of the toxic substance, to slow down the spread of intoxication. If possible, find the plant that the baby ate to show it to the doctors, this will help to immediately prescribe the right treatment.
The plant contains a large amount of alkaloids, including atropine, the maximum concentration is in the leaves at the beginning of flowering and in ripe seeds. The poisoning is accompanied by hallucinations and delusions. A large dose can cause choking. One of the consequences is partial memory loss.
Symptoms: shortness of breath, convulsions, tachycardia.
Beauty (Belladonna)
Affects the heart muscle, a dose of 10-20 berries can be fatal.
Symptoms: dilated pupils, dry mouth, constant lip licking, hoarse voice.
Vorony Eye
Leaves, rhizomes and especially berries are dangerous. Like other plants, it affects the central and peripheral nervous systems, cardiac activity is impaired, and death is possible.
Symptoms: shortness of breath, convulsions, tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbances.
Plants that lead to skin poisoning and irritation
There are plants that are best not to get closer than half a meter. Touching them leads to the appearance of chemical burns, inhalation of pollen – to inflammation of the mucous membranes. Deadly if swallowed.
Larkspur (Delphinium)
One of the most beloved garden plants, however, you can work with it only with gloves. The juice contains about 40 types of alkaloids, some of which are similar in effect to curare poison. A slight chemical burn may occur when touched in the sun. When eating flowers and leaves, alkaloids affect the nervous system, the transmission of impulses through the nerve tissues stops, and the heart stops.
Symptoms: decreased muscle tone, lethargy, paralysis, loss of consciousness.
Buttercup (Night blindness)
Dangerous in any weather. The caustic juice irritates the skin and mucous membranes and can cause temporary loss of vision. The plant should not even be sniffed; swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes may develop. Ingestion leads to acute poisoning. Most representatives of the buttercup family have a similar effect, including lumbago (sleep-grass) and aconite.
Wolfberry (Wolf bast)
Contains the poisonous alkaloid daphnine, all parts of the plant are dangerous. Touching the wet bark causes chemical burns, contact with the eyes – conjunctivitis, a severe headache begins from the scent of flowers. Berry poisoning develops rapidly, a lethal dose is 10-15 pieces.
Symptoms: burning sensation in the mouth, profuse salivation, sharp abdominal pains, cramps and dizziness.
Which of these plants have you suffered from?
Meadow parsnip.
Raven eye.
Wolf’s bast.