What old things can tell about you

What old things can tell about you

According to statistics, 80 percent of the world’s population love to save up trash at home. Because it is a pity to throw it away and there is a hope that someday we will fix it, put it on and put it in a prominent place again … But this “once” does not come either in a year or in five. See what things are gathering dust on your mezzanine, and find out how they characterize you.

Overflowing phone memory, computer

Do you still keep all the Friends episodes on your computer? Collect motivational phrases, films and romantic songs – just in case, what if they come in handy? Remove it all immediately! If you haven’t opened the files for a year, then you will never remember them!

What does this mean?

Most likely, you indulge yourself with false hopes, do not know how to plan, have difficulty focusing on one thing, and are careless about money. Information trash pollutes space as aggressively as physical trash.

Things that remind you of the past

Many girls like to keep gifts from ex-boyfriends, underwear in which they lost their virginity, wedding dresses or a figurine of the Eiffel Tower brought from Paris, Turkish shells, sand in a bottle … Memories of the past are, of course, wonderful, but maybe it is better to keep them in photographs and your own head than on dusty mezzanines?

If this is not a scarf knitted by your beloved grandmother, and not a cute plush hare with which you spent all your conscious childhood, there is no point in saving up this good.

What does this mean?

You are afraid of changes, do not want to change anything and often complain about the unfairness of fate.

Old things in the house, even if you have long forgotten about their existence, fill the living space with “dirty” energy, which does not allow anything new, bright, fresh to appear in your world.

Clothes that have become small and outdated

Once you were the queen of the beach in this XS size swimsuit and wore a daring miniskirt, but today you are over thirty, and you still hesitate to part with the memory of your happy youth and think with horror of old age. “Maybe I’ll lose some more weight and feel young and sexy again,” you hope.

What does this mean?

You don’t accept yourself as you are. After all, youth does not last forever, and the size of clothes changes. And if you really do lose weight, then you can easily buy new modern things. Life cannot be turned back.

Old newspaper clippings, posters, magazine binders

It was possible to understand the habit of our mothers to collect all this “useful waste paper” at home, because in their days the Internet was not even in the project, But why do you need it? Looking to auction 50 years from now? Or find a recipe for eternal youth in Krestyanka from 1983? And these Russian school notebooks, handwritten charlotte recipes – do you really think that you will show them to your children?

What does this mean?

You love to read and take great care of the printed word, but the piles of old papers create an atmosphere of poverty in the house. No rich person will keep stacks of yellowed papers at home.

Also, keep in mind that old newspapers can cause allergies and are great insects. For example, pray.

3 useful tips for those who like to accumulate trash

1. Make it a habit to never buy new things before you throw out the old ones. At least this way you will be able to maintain a reasonable balance of new and old in the apartment. It’s even better if you throw away three things and buy one.

2. Do a spring cleaning every week. Throw away at least 20 unnecessary items at a time. If you find it difficult to decide on this yourself, invite your friends.

3. Use your garage or summer cottage for storing antique rarities. Perhaps you would like to save your grandfather’s old gramophone or a rare carpet for posterity. Pack your valuables in boxes and take them outside the apartment.

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