What not to keep in the house: a list of unnecessary things

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In every house there are things that are already worn out, broken, out of fashion, and it is simply a pity to throw them away or there is no time to throw them away. Meanwhile, the aura of your home directly depends on their presence.

Perhaps you noticed that everything seems to be tidied up and neat, but you still somehow feel uncomfortable. The fact is that some objects have negative energy and cause the same emotions in residents.

To maintain comfort in the home, it is necessary to clean not only at the physical, but also at the energy level. It is not enough to wash and clean everything – first of all, you should get rid of things with negative energy. They litter your environment and attract setbacks, problems and illnesses.

Once there was a small closet on my loggia, stuffed with items “may come in handy.” I got rid of the locker with its contents, it became easy! Now on the loggia there is wicker rattan furniture (two armchairs and a table). Cozy and cute: rest, talk with your husband. We sometimes drink beer with shrimps there. Great!

What cannot be kept in the house

Broken or cracked dishes do more than just make food hazardous to our health. The plate is one of the symbols of the family, and the slightest chip or crack on it will certainly affect the relationship of the household.

It is better not to store dried flowers, unless, of course, it is a specially composed Ekibana or dried medicinal herbs. A dried bouquet means dried up feelings and dead energy. Reeds attract disease and misfortune. Artificial flowers evoke melancholy and collect dust, these are the rookeries of microbes. They belong in the cemetery.

Worn out clothes and shoes are active accumulators of negative energy. Throw them away without any regret. Don’t forget the frayed slippers.

Broken chains are a rupture of the path of life and completely kill coziness and comfort. Have them repaired by a jeweler or take them to a pawnshop.

Broken toys must either be repaired or discarded immediately. They symbolize broken children’s health.

Cutting off your hair means a cut off path to the future, as well as freezing all your endeavors.

Get rid of the deceased’s clothes if there is no one to wear them. Take it to a church or temple in need. It hurts to look at the clothes of loved ones who will never return.

According to old signs, an old broom brings trouble. Send it to the trash can, buy a new one.

What not to keep in the house: a list of unnecessary things

Things that don’t belong in the house

Empty bottles – to the emptiness in the apartment. Put at least a small coin in each of them.

Cosmetics also have a shelf life; expired beauty products will not bring any benefit.

Don’t hoard plastic bags. Two or three, no more! Their function is to bring goods out of the store. Everything! Do not be indignant, because our planet is sick of plastic and polyethylene. Birds, fish and animals die from this. The fabric bag is just that!

Fridge magnets. It’s a matter of taste, like a body with tattoos. Some people like it, many don’t. Without magnets, the appearance of the refrigerator will be neater and tidier.

Old newspapers and magazines. What for? Throw it away safely!

Technique You Don’t Use: Dusty waffle maker, broken toaster, yogurt maker.

What a house can tell about its owner

Home decoration is a part of “I”. Psychologists say: disorder is a sign of looseness, and order is spiritual harmony and firm positions in life. Everything is simple and true. From the point of view of the American psychologist W. James, a lot can be learned about a person by looking at his home:

  • dirty windows – loneliness and sadness;
  • cracked cups and plates – stinginess and laziness;
  • untidy bathroom – indifference, low self-esteem and stress;
  • an unwashed stove or sink – accumulated resentment, depression and low self-esteem;
  • clutter of the home – neurosis and obsessive behavior.

Remember that junk is a time trap. We waste precious time shifting unnecessary items. We are looking for something in them, digging, digging …

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