What not to eat in the office: forbidden TOP-7

Snacking in the office is often the only reason for rapid weight gain and poor work efficiency. Sleepiness, laziness, inability to concentrate, mood swings – quality suffers from this. What should you give up when eating in the office?


The fastest way to cheer up is to drink coffee, which is what the office staff do all day. However, many people forget that the strength from coffee appears only for the next few minutes, then an even greater loss of strength sets in. In this case, it is preferable to drink a glass of fruit or vegetable fresh juice or green tea.


Of course, meat is a healthy product, it contains a lot of protein and dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time. On the other hand, meat is hard for the body to digest and literally sucks out all the energy for processing. Therefore, drowsiness and the desire to lie down after meat dishes are not uncommon.



Cheese is a great option for breakfast or dinner. But for a snack at work, this is not a good idea. Cheese contains substances that impair mood and cause mood swings.

Lots of fat

Fatty foods prevent the body from absorbing sugar, and this is the basis for successful brain activity. A fatty snack will most likely result in low efficiency in your work.


Banana is often bought for a hearty snack. However, the tryptophan in bananas causes drowsiness and laziness. And an overabundance of bananas in the diet provokes headaches and feeling unwell.


White flour baked goods are hard on the stomach and can also make you sleepy. Needless to say about being overweight, if you often get carried away with such a snack. Opt for whole grain flours or look for healthier alternatives.


Sweets not only threaten with extra pounds. They can trigger the development of diabetes and will continually lead to spikes in blood sugar. Of course, sweets are brain food, but you should choose them carefully and not eat too much of them.

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