The supermodel, nicknamed “The Body” for her timeless beauty, also appears to be struggling with age in every possible way.
Now she is 55 years old, and she looks at most 35. However, Elle MacPherson herself has not spared age-related changes.
“When I turned 50, I stopped recognizing myself in the mirror. I felt like I was out of my body, ”says the model.
It would seem that nothing can be done: El already takes care of himself, goes in for sports, monitors nutrition. Still, it turned out that even her diet should be corrected in order to push aging even further. The supermodel completely eliminated these products from her diet after 50 years. But those who are not so lucky with genetics should give them up early – after forty.
Sad news for lovers of an invigorating drink. According to nutritionist Elle Macpherson, coffee creates an acidic environment in the body that is conducive to the development of a variety of diseases. Therefore, coffee should be avoided, if not completely, then limited to one cup a day, no more.
Ice cream and chocolate
Anyway, everything that contains sugar. Sugar is not only bad for the teeth and figure. It has a bad effect on the skin: collagen under its influence becomes fragile and destroyed. Scientists have even developed a skin aging test based on the effect of sugar on collagen. But it depends on collagen fibers how elastic and taut our skin will be. It turns out that the more sugar, the more wrinkles, sagging and age spots.
- Photo Shoot:
- @ellemacphersonofficial
Dairy produce
Scientists have not come to a consensus about the benefits or harms of milk for adults. But fans of healthy eating are unanimous. It is believed that with age, lactose is absorbed less and less. Because of this, swelling appears, including on the face. And bags under the eyes do not paint anyone. In addition, lactose is also blamed for the appearance of a tendency to age spots. Therefore, with age, it is advised to abandon traditional milk and replace it with vegetable milk. At worst – goat.
Products containing gluten
On a gluten-free diet, everyone has been going crazy for a long time. Doctors say that gluten intolerance is not so common, so everyone should not abandon gluten-containing foods en masse. But where Elle Macpherson is definitely right, it is that the amount of flour should be mercilessly reduced: baked goods, pasta, refined foods. Unpolished rice, quinoa, even better – our Russian buckwheat, is much healthier.
Red meat and fried foods
Well, everything is simple. Red meat has long ceased to be considered useful by everyone except the supporters of the keto diet. Which are also somewhat right: we talked about a former vegan who almost died on her plant-based diet and now eats exclusively on meat and animal fats. However, traditional medicine claims that overuse of red meat can lead to cancer, as can the love of fried foods.
Yes, no one will call alcohol useful. First of all, it is high in calories. Secondly, it destroys the cells of the body, from the brain to the liver. Thirdly, it causes monstrous edema. Fourth, it disinhibits the center of hunger, and we not only drink, but also eat everything in unhealthy quantities. However, Christie Brinkley, who at 66 looks like she sold her soul for eternal youth, occasionally allows herself a glass of champagne. Apparently, the key words are “glass” and “occasionally”.
What you can eat
Typically, the Elle Macpherson diet looks like this:
Breakfast – scrambled eggs with spinach and avocado
Dinner – salmon with lemon and olive oil, beet salad and pearl barley
Dinner – sea bass with Greek salad (with goat cheese)
snacks – a couple of dates, green tea
Smoothies – 400 ml almond milk, a spoonful of protein powder, half a banana and a handful of berries.
In addition, the star drinks two liters of clean water per day and always devotes time to stress-relieving activities: yoga, meditation, walking or swimming.