- You should not immediately call for «pull yourself together», gather your strength, show your will, not «turn sour», etc.
- No need to try to cheer up a depressed person, urge him to «shake himself up», take part in the «celebration of life», have fun and give yourself pleasure.
- Do not try to convince a depressed comrade that he does not have reasons for despondency and emotional distress, arguing that «on the whole, everything is in order with him.»
- Do not advise a person immersed in «black melancholy» to go on vacation or go to a sanatorium for treatment.
- For a person suffering from spiritual anguish, a constant compassionate attitude towards him, anxious looks directed at him, a feeling of special attention to his person are harmful.
- Do not argue with a depressed person, do not reproach him for the wrongness of his behavior.