And what, on the contrary, must be done when setting off on the road.
When we send someone on a trip, we always worry: if only nothing happens. We try to do everything to make the path of loved ones easy. Absolutely unconsciously, we observe the signs that our grandparents could not do without: sit on the path, do not wash the floor while the person is on the road. After all, they say that in this way you can erase his path and he will not return. Usually they start cleaning when it becomes known that a person has already arrived at their destination, or on the third day after his departure.
“Each person has a certain energy,” says an expert on folk signs. Inna Mikhailova… – When he leaves, a “trace” remains for some time. If you start cleaning the floor right away, then you will mercilessly “drive out” his spirit. The person feels it. Then circumstances develop in such a way that either he will be offended, or you will not meet again. “
The sign takes its origins from a collision with the other world. When a person passes away, then after him it is imperative to wash the floors well. This was necessary so that his soul would not get stuck in this world and, in torment, would not come back. And when the daughter is given in marriage, then it is also necessary to immediately carry out a wet cleaning. Otherwise, the girl may not settle down in the new house and come back.
Sit on the track
This is the most popular belief that almost everyone uses. It also has a kind of therapeutic effect. In this way, a person calms down and tunes in on a good road. And thoughts, as you know, attract the corresponding events. In addition, this pause in training provides an opportunity to remember if you have forgotten anything.
Hold on to the edge of the table
“The table is a symbol of the home,” says Inna Mikhailova. – When a person, leaving, strokes his corner, he leaves his energy trace. This means that the spirit of the house will protect him throughout the trip. “
Do not wash your hair
“There is one common belief in the history of different peoples: the life force of a person is contained in the hair,” says Inna Leonidovna. – Therefore, a lot of signs are associated with them. Before traveling, you should not wash your hair, as the forces that will be very needed will leave you. It’s best to get your hair clean a day or two before departure. “
Can’t go back half way
“If you left the apartment in a hurry, reached the bus stop and realized that you forgot to grab something, then, of course, you will have to return,” the expert continues. – However, do not forget to look in the mirror and show your tongue to yourself. In this way you drive away failures. “
Keys must not be dropped
“Keys are also a kind of symbol of getting into, if we say conventionally, another space, another world,” says Mikhailova. “They contain the energy of the place that they“ protect ”. Therefore, they must be treated with care. If the ligament fell out of your hand, then knock it on the table. “
Do not split
When asked where you are going, don’t tell anyone your destination. Better to smile delicately and answer: “On business.” Now, for sure, no one will jinx your plans.