Each period of pregnancy has its own characteristics and risks. If you know about them, then everything will go smoothly.
As soon as we see the same two stripes on the test, a million restrictions immediately appear in front of us: don’t go there, don’t do this, don’t eat this, and in general, “how do you feel”? No wonder, because the most dangerous trimester is the first. At this time, the risk of losing a child is greatest. The second trimester is usually the easiest. We are already accustomed to the changed state, the nausea is gone. But the third trimester is the most uncomfortable. It’s hard to walk, you can’t really sleep – you can’t find a comfortable sleeping position. And new restrictions appear, which, for the sake of the safety of oneself and the child, it is better to observe all the same.
Hot tub
Sometimes the temptation to soak in a relaxing bath is overwhelming. After all, the body just screams from fatigue, and sometimes from pain after a day on its feet. The child is getting bigger and bigger, and carrying it is like carrying a backpack with you without the ability to throw it off even for a little while. A hot bath is great for relieving stress. Still, it’s better to look for other ways to relax. A hot bath in the third trimester can be dangerous – the mother’s body temperature rises, and this affects the baby. Doctors warn that premature birth may even begin.
Lifting weights
Some fitness girls do not get out of the gym until the last day, pulling the barbell. And some have to lift weights in everyday life: bags of groceries, for example. And if there are older children, then they regularly find themselves on the pens. However, in the last weeks of pregnancy, it is better to literally give up. The fact is that the muscles become more elastic, relax, preparing for childbirth, it is difficult for them to withstand the load. The spine is also under an increased load, it is also not worth creating additional difficulties for it.
Contact sports and being in the crowd
It may seem silly that we mention this point at all. But it’s better to collect every little thing than to miss something. The risk of injury from a blow to the abdomen in the third trimester is much higher than before. At this time, the baby in the uterus becomes cramped, there is less and less protection between him and the world. Therefore, he is very vulnerable. Any hustle and bustle – especially in transport during rush hours – is best avoided.
Binge eating
The mother’s stomach becomes smaller due to the fact that the child literally takes up all the free space in the stomach. Therefore, it begins to eat less. In theory – in practice, the relationship with food remains rather complex. Sometimes you want to gobble up a huge bowl of cherries in one sitting or chew tomatoes non-stop. However, overeating in the third trimester is fraught with nausea and indigestion. Therefore, it is better to eat less, but more often.
These are the wives of British princes during pregnancy can walk around on high heels for days on end, smiling as if they are fluttering in the most comfortable sneakers. Nobody knows how they really feel at this moment. And ordinary human women after a couple of hours in heels will understand: the back has fallen off. In addition, stability is disturbed: the weight of the abdomen pulls us forward, it is easy to stumble and fall due to imbalance.
Any hobby with a touch of extreme should be paused: skiing, sledging, ice skating. Even diving is not worth it. Yes, even in the pool – you hold your breath, which means your baby too. Hypoxia, albeit mild, is absolutely useless to him. And, of course, no amusement parks. However, you yourself are unlikely to want.
Honeymoon, baby shower – a party in honor of the soon birth of a baby, and now baby moon – a new tradition when future parents go on vacation when mom is pregnant. This is a good way to relax and gain strength before a difficult period. But this should not be done in the last stages. In addition, you may not be allowed on the plane: you will need to show a certificate from a doctor who will authorize the flight.
Unusual workouts
Suddenly jogging during pregnancy or a new type of fitness is not a good idea. On the contrary, it is worth doing only the usual exercises, and even then in consultation with the doctor. By the way, even real fitness icons are faced with the fact that it is simply impossible to play sports during pregnancy: the body seems to resist. And since he resists, there is no need to tyrannize him. It is better to talk to your doctor, and if he permits, then do yoga for pregnant women. This will help you keep fit, relax, and prepare for childbirth.
There is such a sign: if a pregnant woman begins to intensively launder the apartment, start cleaning, then it’s time. It’s time to go to the hospital. Nesting syndrome is difficult to relieve, but sometimes it’s worth it. First, it’s best to stay away from cleaning products. Secondly, crawling around the house trying to clean all corners to a shine creates additional stress on the body, which is already difficult.
Sleep on your back
A sore subject for many mothers. Finding a comfortable sleeping position when your belly seems to be everywhere is almost impossible. Sometimes there is a temptation to sit on your back. But doctors are against: the own weight of the abdomen can put pressure on the important vessels that deliver oxygen and nutrients to the uterus, the risk of a frozen pregnancy increases. Sleep on your side is best starting from week 27. Better yet, on the left.
Postponing going to the toilet
The bladder refuses to put up with the fact that there is less and less space for it. And the playful kicks of the baby do not add comfort. I have to run to the toilet twenty times a day. Sometimes there is no longer any strength to run, the thought arises: maybe be patient? Do not give in to such thoughts. The problem is that during pregnancy we are very vulnerable to urinary tract infections. And excessive patience will only spur such an infection. In addition, there is a risk of embarrassment, because any sneeze can put additional pressure on the bladder.
Refusal of vaccination
It would seem that in the XNUMXst century it is unnecessary to prove to someone that vaccinations are necessary – only thanks to them we no longer have epidemics of cholera, whooping cough and other medieval diseases. But many refuse vaccination, citing the fact that “it is not known what will happen.” However, a flu shot must be done: the risk of catching it is very high, because immunity in an interesting position is weakened, and complications after it in pregnant women can be extremely dangerous. Vaccines that can be administered to both children and expectant mothers have long been developed.
Refusal to eat
It also happens: the appetite disappears completely, and in general, it seems that it is impossible to cram a single piece into yourself. This condition is even more dangerous than overeating. It is important for mom to eat right and harmoniously. Let it be very small portions, but healthy food, rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. And some mothers say that they switched to smoothies during this period – it is easier to feed yourself with healthy food this way.
Lie in bed all day
Sometimes getting up in the morning, going somewhere and doing something is a whole tragedy. The feeling of fatigue does not leave for a minute, it seems as if even sleep is tiresome. But getting up and walking, even if I don’t want to, is much healthier for our bones and muscles than lying in bed. And there is less edema when you move.
Online consulting
This is the sin of everyone, especially those who are pregnant for the first time. They are looking for symptoms of the onset of labor, an explanation for their strange new sensations. And at the same time they read all the horror stories and scarecrows that women’s forums are full of. Both are so-so ideas. Someone else’s experience is unlikely to be useful to you. And if something is alarming, it is better to call your doctor than ask a question to some incomprehensible aunt on the Internet.
Listen to other people’s advice
When people find out about your pregnancy, dozens, hundreds of tips with the indispensable “but my friend’s” begin to pour in on you. God bless them, with friends. There are no two identical women, two identical pregnancies, two identical births. Your experience is unique. Therefore, stop listening to others, relieve yourself of unnecessary stress.
In the first trimester, we experienced a hormonal boom. In the second, everything calmed down, and in the third, hormones are raging again. And, unfortunately, we get pretty irritable. Unfortunately – because you don’t need negative emotions now. The best thing you can do for yourself is to relax.
Salty food
In general, you should always be careful with her, and even more so during pregnancy. The fact is that salt retains water in the body, causing swelling. In the third trimester, excess water, and with it, weight. In addition, edema can spread not only to the legs, but also to the face. It is worth doing everything possible to avoid this.
Not always, but often it happens that the doctor forbids sex. And he should be obeyed, because closeness with a loved one can provoke premature birth. However, many mothers themselves do not want any physical contact. And some even have toxicosis on their husbands – at the sight of the father, the child begins to feel sick, and this is not a figure of speech.
Oops. Many sources recommend staying away from this fruit. Yes, pineapples are delicious, they contain a lot of nutrients. But there is a small risk that the exotic fruit will cause contractions. Most likely, in order for it to come to such serious consequences, you will have to eat quite a lot of pineapples. But who wants to take risks when it comes to their own child?