What nails do men and real ladies like?

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Gentlemen, what nails do men and real ladies like? About this in the article.

  • Brigitte Bardot
  • Sophia Loren
  • Mireille Mathieu
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Elizabeth Taylor
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Elizabeth II
  • princess Diana
  • Kate Middleton
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Catherine Deneuve
  • Irina Alferova
  • Charlize Theron

This is a small list of the names of world beauties and famous women of the planet, which can be continued and continued. Listed beauties, queens, princesses, ladies, women with delicate taste, do not wear long nails. In high society – this is bad manners!

What nails do men and real ladies like?

Nails or claws?

Manicure is a part of the image, it reflects your unique style, taste and even your inner world. A natural short or medium length nail with a flawless manicure is super! It’s elegant. Delicate and beautiful nails will always be relevant.

Recently there is a fashion for painted, artificial and extended dinnails. Even in the kiosks “Soyuzpechat” they sell sets of false long nails of the brightest colors. What for? And for whom? And the extended nails are like lips pumped up with silicone. Do you need it?

An entire industry is working on artificial extended “claws”, including chemical plants, many salons. This is a very profitable business, especially for Russia! Although the masters of manicure assure clients that there is no chemistry here! This is not in the interests of the master, they will not tell you the truth here.

And why do nails deteriorate so much? Their recovery takes months of treatment! Mistresses of long nails are unaware of germs, which cannot be removed from under long nails when washing hands! We see long bright claws in brothel dwellers, in pimps in films and in women without taste and sense of proportion.

Opinion of men

As it turned out during the survey, men do not like long nails. They scare them a little, causing associations with the claws of a bird of prey or an animal. Others consider short nails to be sexy.

With such nails and under the condition of a neat manicure, men are ready to recognize ladies’ hands as the most charming in the world. They are ready to kiss them all the time!

It is curious that for the most part men are more conservative than modern women. They have a hard time accepting all kinds of experiences with extreme lengths, extravagant shapes and artsy nail art.

Most of all men like red colors, even if they don’t realize it. Red causes them to increase their hormone levels and arousal. Colors that men don’t like:

  1. The black.
  2. Green.
  3. Purple.
  4. Blue.

Such varnish colors are subconsciously perceived as untidiness. All men say no to the abundance of rhinestones on sharp claws. Representatives of the stronger sex welcome ladies’ nails of medium length, soft square shape. Colors: pink, beige, French. Of course, no color will save a manicure if a girl has unkempt hands.

Perfect manicure

Best of all, of course, your nails! Delicate and beautiful. If the nails exfoliate and become brittle, this is a signal of problems in the body. Take vitamins, especially calcium. Give your nails a break from polish, use only acetone-free nail polish remover.

Evelina Khromtchenko about painted and long nails: “I never tire of repeating, forever give up fishnet tights, nail design (painting the nail plate). It’s only good for fashion shoots and for the stage. ”

What nails do men and real ladies like?

Avoid any painted nails! It tastes bad!

And remember, a neat manicure without length is better than long and sharp nails. Moreover, artificially extended, rapidly going out of fashion. 🙂 “The simpler the woman, the more complex the design of her nails” – precisely noticed.

What nails do men and real ladies like?

Real lady’s manicure

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