What Men Lie About: 12 Common Tricks

Male manipulators are prone to pathological lies. How do they manage to deceive us for so long? They create a very convincing and charismatic image for others: nice, sociable and helpful. It is very difficult to recognize these characters at the first stages of acquaintance. We analyze the false assurances with which they “lure” us.

1. “I will never deceive or betray you”

I’m lying now when I say this. You know yourself — a person who always tells the truth will not convince anyone of this. It just doesn’t occur to him.

The reason why I tell you that I will never lie is that sooner or later you will notice the differences between my words and actions. Puzzling over why I suddenly acted so cruelly, you will remember how I assured you that I was an honest person and always kept myself in hand. I am incapable of doing anything of the sort.

You will be completely at a loss and want to believe in the person that I seemed to you, and not in who I really am.

2. “Crazy how much you and I have in common!”

It is not necessary to go crazy — I have already managed to study you and now I reflect like in a mirror. While we were talking with you, I managed to find out your most secret dreams and weaknesses. From the very first date, I tried to gradually find out what is missing in your life.

Now I will «take the form» of your ideal, the person you always wanted to be with — at least for the time being, until I get everything I want. Then I will remove the mask from time to time, and soon you will not be able to recognize the person with whom you fell in love at first.

3. «I’m texting you just to say I miss you»

I want to know that I still have control over you and your life.

It’s a test, I’ll do it sometimes after I disappear for a few days. Or after suddenly being rude. Or I’ll make you jealous by showing up with my newest victim.

I am sending these short messages to make sure that it is still important to you that you are still waiting for me. I’m sure you remember me.

4. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I was not myself»

This is exactly me, the way I really am. My actions should have hinted to you about this by now.

Of course, I will apologize from time to time to stop talking about my behavior or make you think it was an accident. I hope you buy into this. If you forgive me again and let me into your life, I promise to make your life hell.

5. «I’m just really busy right now»

You are a stopover. I need you to make me feel important. I’m really busy — I don’t have time for you while I keep in touch with many others.

But I’ll be happy to keep you in limbo. I will send messages and then disappear for several days, making me wait until I pay attention to you again. And who knows, maybe one or two victims will fall away, and you will take a new position in my weekly rotation.

6. “I have moved many times – I love to travel in general.”

I like to leave those places where they saw me through, and start all over again. Every time I come to a new place, I start a new life with a clean slate.

What a relief not having to deal with the consequences of past adventures! When supplies of gullible love-seekers run out, it’s time to pack your bags again and head to a new city. I leave a trail of deceived hearts wherever I go.

7. “They all mean nothing to me. You’re my only one»

That’s what I said! How wonderful it is to create various love triangles and see how passions boil around me and fight for me. I feed on this adoration and the attention of fans. I don’t really plan on picking any of them — just enjoying the game.

8. “I didn’t come because I was late with friends”

Every time I disappear without warning, you can bet I’m bombarding one of those female friends with love. But don’t worry, you can be my friend too.

9. «Change mean and low»

This is low, but with one caveat: if you do it. For me there are other standards. I expect complete transparency and loyalty from you, while at the same time I am free for various adventures and searches.

We will continue to be connected with you by an invisible thread — for sex, money, communication and support. In a word, everything that you can offer me.

10. «My ex-girlfriend was terrible, she lied to me»

In fact, it was I who was dishonest and lied. I betrayed her and she didn’t want to take it anymore. She saw what I hide under the mask.

But while you and I barely know each other, it’s hard to guess. And that’s why I’m telling you these stories about how I got hurt. Embrace me, have pity, heal the wounds. Give me back my peace of mind and faith in humanity…

11. «I couldn’t get rid of her, she’s just crazy about me»

Ex-girlfriends may know a lot more about me than you know. Sometimes one of them may try to warn you about something. For example, that I am prone to violence or deceit.

Of course, you will not pay attention to their words, because I will have time to convince you that they are all passionately in love with me and envy our happiness. They want me back, and their words have nothing to do with the pain that I managed to inflict on them.

12. “I used to play love, but now I want a serious relationship for life”

Are you ready to fall for this nonsense? Hope so. I’m going to be in the same bed with you very soon and do it from time to time so that you think that one day we will be in a serious relationship. I have an inexhaustible imagination, and before that I took on a variety of forms and guises for those whom I had wounded in the past. The only truth is that I never change.

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