Futurologists look far ahead and ask themselves the question: what will our house look like in 20-30 years? What will be the interiors, how will everyday life be arranged? We decided to find out.
Design exhibitions that take place around the world give amazing predictions and allow you to imagine what home comfort will be like decades later. The editorial staff of Woman`s Day decided to sort out the most daring predictions together with the chief architect of the “Quadrim” design repair service, Viktor Shutka.
Designers agree on one thing: the main idea of the house of the future is the constancy of change. It will not have a static design and familiar furniture. The interior will adapt to the wishes of the owner literally every day due to different scenarios of light, transformer items and dual-use items. Even wallpaper can change color to suit the mood of the owner, and smart walls can be transferred to the ocean shore or to the top of the Himalayas.
Plastic is a very democratic material, but who needs a chair that can live for 600 years? The future belongs to a chair that will serve its purpose and disappear without harming the planet. Eco-friendly decaying materials that do not pollute the planet will be held in high esteem: blocks of dried mushroom mycelium, eco-concrete, biopolymers. The preferences will also be on the side of upcycling – an ultra-trendy trend for which we should be grateful to the Dutch designers. The essence of the concept is that the raw materials used for design are not recycled, but improved. Absolutely everything is used: coffee grounds, eggshells, old clothes. They are processed and given new life. At the same time, the usual polycarbonates, carbon, artificial stone will also have the right to life along with timeless wood, stone and clay.
The main emphasis will be on free space and light colors. This is due to the fact that the population of the planet is growing, we will be cramped in the urban jungle, and designers will try to compensate for the lack of space with a spacious minimalist interior. It will contain a minimum of items, but they will all be high-tech. A kind of minimalistic eco-design promises to replace the clearly expressed styles – the harmony of space, high technology and wildlife.
She will also obey the general trend – freedom of space, and no statics. Modular, built-in furniture and transformers will dominate. Everyone will be able to become an architect of their own interior – easily shape furniture for different functions and create the space they need at that moment. Furniture stores will gradually become a thing of the past, replaced by 3D printers. Much attention will be paid to tactile sensations, sounds and aromas. We are already choosing furniture that is pleasant to the touch. Designers of the future will go further and come, for example, to a soft shell that smells of lavender and gurgles like a mountain stream.
Of course, the home of the future is impossible without technology. They will be fully integrated into it and will become a full-fledged part of the interior. The entire household load will fall on robots – for example, Electrolux recently presented the Mab cleaning system, consisting of 908 flying mini-robots. The core of the system serves as a base for robots, fills each robot with cleaning solution and assigns tasks to them. Refrigerators will be able to check the contents of their shelves themselves and order missing products via the Internet. We are sure this is just the beginning.
The house of the future will come closer to the concept of ideal design – it will be completely personalized for the owner, it will become as comfortable and cozy as possible. So we are waiting for the future – it prepares us a lot of pleasant surprises.