Young people with a special interest organize themselves to drink alcoholic beverages. Frequent use and the the ignorance of the consequences of receiving low degree alcohol is a result of the needs of socialization and a means to forget for a while about the problems.
And if a stroke or cirrhosis of the liver is still quite distant, then the appearance of regular alcohol intake affects quite quickly.
Primarily affect the skin, especially for girls.
Dry skin
Alcohol is a poison. The body understands it and is committed from it as soon as possible to get rid of. The liver begins to metabolize the alcohol, and the kidneys are to excrete waste from the body. Therefore alcohol has a pronounced diuretic effect.
As a result, any party with libations ends with severe dehydration. Moreover, the human body is designed so that the first water lost is out of the subcutaneous tissue. And, paradoxically, dry skin – the eternal companion of drinking people.
How looks the parched skin? Less smooth, less fresh. Fine wrinkles appear and existing become more noticeable.
Rapid aging
Regular alcohol consumption destroys the reserves of vitamins C and E, which help maintaining collagen – the protein responsible for skin elasticity.
The look changes? The face oval loses its sharpness, and in some areas the skin droops. In addition, alcohol reduces the skin’s ability to regenerate, and the recovery period after any damage is stretched for a long time.
Red is a brake light
Alcohol dilates blood vessels, therefore, first causes a bright blush. But the abuse of alcohol, on the contrary, violates the blood circulation, red blood cells in the blood stick together, and skin cells begin to experience a lack of oxygen.
How skin looks like in case of alcohol abuse? The face becomes purple-red. If some capillaries completely occluded by clots of red blood cells, the pressure of blood is stroke – rupture of a capillary. One by one, and face — first on the nose, where the number of capillaries especially great — there appeare purple spider veins.
Be a man!
Watching their appearance, women should understand that alcohol, and especially the abuse causes changes in the body that are difficult to compensate for cosmetic procedures.
Alcohol leads to a restructuring of hormonal levels. Women are getting higher levels of male hormones.
What is the result? The skin becomes more rough with prominent pores, difficult to disguise with cosmetic.
The face of alcoholism
When alcohol abuse becomes a disease, all of the above features are enhanced and new ones appear. If the mere consumption of alcohol dehydrates the skin due to the hard work of the liver and kidneys, the regular abuse leads to kidney failure. The result is puffiness, bags under the eyes and General puffiness of the face.
The source of other signs in the neurological changes. Some of the muscles of the face relax, while others keep in good shape, creating a mimic pattern. There is even a special term – “face of an alcoholic”.
A characteristic feature of such a person is the voltage of the forehead with sluggish relaxation of most of the rest of the facial muscles, due to which a person acquires an elongated appearance.
The eyes of the alcoholic seem to be wide and sunken at the same time. This is due to the weakening of the circular muscle of the eye and tension of muscles lifting the upper eyelid. In addition, deepening the upper part of the folds between the nose and upper lip, and the lower part is smoothed. The nostrils expanded, the lips become thicker and less compressed.
You need to remember
Alcohol makes people ugly when its impact on health is not very noticeable. Dry, porous, loose skin – a clear sign that it is time to quit.