What leads to human contact with mercury? The toxicologist tells you what you must not do

As yet unconfirmed, but already very disturbing: high concentrations of mercury have been detected in the Odra river. It is a toxic substance, although not in all forms it does the same damage to our body. We asked clinical toxicologist Dr. Eryk Matuszkiewicz.

  1. Mercury belongs to the so-called heavy metals, i.e. substances hazardous to health and life
  2. Its compounds are the most dangerous, as they can damage the central nervous system, kidneys and liver.
  3. It may burn if it comes into contact with the skin
  4. The route of exposure is primarily through the consumption of mercury-containing food or drink such as fish or drinking water
  5. – If we stay only in the vicinity of a place contaminated with mercury, poisoning will not occur, there is no such possibility – assures Dr. Eryk Matuszkiewicz
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Information about the presence of mercury in the water coming from the Oder was announced yesterday by the German TV rbb24. The reports show that the test carried out by the state laboratory needed to be repeated because the concentration of the metal was so high that it “exceeded the scale”. The results of the second study are not yet available, but there are many reasons for concern. Mercury is poison and contact with it can lead to poisoning and serious health problems.

Mercury compounds are the most dangerous

At the beginning, however, an important reminder. Mercury is called heavy metal. It is a group of elements that are dangerous, harmful and toxic to our body. However, it is not the same dangerous in every form.

– Mercury can be in a metallic form as an element and as such is the least toxic to us. However, it can also occur in the form of inorganic and organic compounds, which are much more dangerous to us, emphasizes Dr. Eryk Matuszkiewicz, an internist and clinical toxicologist.

The rest of the text below the video.

Both organic and inorganic mercury compounds cause changes in the human body. However, their location is different.

Inorganic mercury accumulates in the kidneys and liver, damaging their functions. On the other hand, organic mercury, most often methylmercury compounds, primarily affects the central nervous system. Contact with them manifests itself, inter alia, in tingling, pain in the upper and lower limbs, gait disturbance, damage to eyesight, hearing. Seizures can occur in more severe forms. If it comes into contact with the skin, irritation is likely to occur because inorganic mercury compounds are blistering, the expert explains.

“The warnings against eating fish are not exaggerated”

The primary route of exposure to mercury poisoning is via the oral route. – Warnings against eating fish caught in the Odra River are not exaggerated – believes Dr. Matuszkiewicz. However, he adds, the problem is not “eating fish with mercury once”, but eating such contaminated products for a long time, calculated in years.

Poisoning will not occur after consuming fish once. To exceed the allowable dose of mercury in the body, we would have to eat 9 kg of fish a week, and we in Poland consume an average of 12 kg of fish per year. However, remember that mercury accumulates. When we spread the consumption of fish over the years, the problem becomes much more serious – emphasizes the expert.

However, there are no worries about the consequences of spending time by the water.

If we stay only in the vicinity of a place contaminated with mercury, then poisoning will not occur, there is no such possibility. The exception is the situation that I mentioned: when our skin comes into contact with water, in which mercury is present in a very high concentration – then irritation may occur, the skin may burn, hurt, and a wound may appear. However, the main route is the food route. Eating fish, or drinking water in which there is a high concentration of mercury – this is the most important and worst danger for us – underlines.

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