What laxatives can be used during pregnancy

What laxatives can be used during pregnancy

Care should be taken when choosing laxatives during pregnancy. Some remedies can cause smooth muscle contraction and cause premature birth or miscarriage. Especially one should not get carried away with infusions of herbs that contain buckthorn bark or senna. They activate intestinal peristalsis and are able to bring the uterus into hypertonicity.

Is it possible to use a laxative during pregnancy?

If you do not experience any special problems and emptying occurs every day or every 2 days, then there can be no question of any medications. With small delays in the removal of feces from the intestines, it is recommended to move more.

Knowing what laxatives you can use during pregnancy, you can easily solve constipation problems.

A circular massage of the abdomen will also help, which starts from the groin area, gradually moving to the liver, then to the umbilical cavity and returning to its original position on the other side.

It is worth paying attention to the diet. The diet should always contain first courses, preferably in low-fat broth. Fresh and boiled vegetables do an excellent job of cleansing: beets, zucchini, carrots. Jelly from dried apricots or prunes, gooseberry decoctions will help. But foods that are difficult to digest (meat, rice, fish) are best consumed before lunch.

Doctors call constipation when there is no stool for three days.

However, half of pregnant women experience problems with bowel movement. There are several reasons for this.

  • concentration in the body of progesterone. This hormone is designed to suppress the contraction of the uterus in order to keep the fetus in it.
  • frequent stress and anxiety.
  • the ever-enlarging uterus presses on the intestines and can disrupt its normal functioning.
  • preparations containing iron often lead to a delay in the excretion of feces.

In such cases, the use of medications is simply necessary so that some of the undigested masses do not enter the bloodstream and intoxication of the fetus does not occur.

What laxatives can you use during pregnancy?

The main rule is that all drugs can be used only after consulting a doctor. There are several products with different effects:

  • Softening feces. For example, vaseline oil. It helps well, but cannot be used often.
  • Improving peristalsis. This includes Guttalax. But it cannot be consumed in the first trimester.
  • Having an osmotic effect. Duphalac gained popularity. This laxative during pregnancy is not addictive, does not irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Increasing the volume of the intestines. This group includes Mukofalk. But this is a slow-acting remedy, the result will appear only after a week.
  • Acting almost instantly. Pay attention to Normacol. It comes in the form of microclysters. The effect can be seen within 15 minutes.
  • Glycerin candles. Good safe remedy.

Today, there are enough drugs that are allowed during pregnancy, but they can only be used in accordance with the instructions.

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