What kind of wine to bring from Italy as a gift to mom and how to understand the category abbreviations

My friend, who recently got married, went on a honeymoon trip to Italy, and since she doesn’t have her own mother, but her mother-in-law appeared, she called me with the question “what kind of wine from Italy would I bring to my mother?”. I did not answer her right away, but helped her understand the variety of Italian wines.

What brands of wine are in Italy

Italy has all the necessary conditions for growing quality grapes and making good wines based on it, which has become a feature of this country. Choosing wine among the variety of brands is not easy, but everything is not so scary. First you need to understand them.

All wines of Italy, as well as other countries, are divided into red, white, pink. The color of the wine depends solely on the variety and preparation. For example, white wine is made from skinless grapes, while red wine is made with it. Wine can be sparkling and still.

In addition, wines are, according to the sugar content, dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, dessert.

It already seems complicated, but the main rule is that a particular person should like the drink. Sommeliers and wine connoisseurs prefer dry and semi-dry wines, as they bring out the aroma and taste to the fullest extent.

On the labels of Italian wines you can find the following inscriptions:

  • Classico is a classic wine with a specified geographical name of the place of production.
  • Riserva – the same as the first one, only seasoned.
  • Superiore is a wine with a particularly high alcohol content.
  • Vendemmia Tardiva is a wine made from late fermented grape varieties.

Excise wines and their transcripts

Excise stamps also have abbreviations that mean:

  • VdT – table wines familiar to us. They come from mixed and single grape varieties, including from different regions. No geographical indication.
  • IGT is wine produced under stricter laws that are controlled by the state. Mandatory indication of the place of manufacture. It is allowed to mix grapes and add raw materials from another region, but not more than 25%.
  • DOC is also a strictly state-controlled production of wine, which is made from grapes exclusively grown only in a specified area. It is more fragrant and rich than the previous two.
  • DOCG are unique wines worthy of awards, participating in annual exhibitions and distinguished by certain taste qualities and color characteristics.

If the wine belongs to the last two categories, then this does not guarantee that it will be ideal, so you should not overpay, because worthy wines can be found in the first two categories. Much depends on the region where grapes grow and wine is made.

Which regions of Italy produce the best wine?

Italy has many wine regions. The best Italian wines are produced in the following regions.


This region produces the most famous wines in Italy, which are comparable only to French ones. These are Alicante (Alicante), Pinot noir (Pino noir), Vermentino (Vermentino), Chianti (Chianti).

Most of the wines from this region are red. There are also made using a special, non-traditional technology – Vigorello (Vigorello), Summus (Summus).


The region that has become the birthplace of famous varieties of wines belonging to the DOC category – Valpolicello (Valpolicello), Prosecco (Prosecco). Vintage wines predominate, with high cost and excellent quality.


The birthplace of a special grape variety Moscato d Asti (Moscato de Asti), on the basis of which many well-known sparkling wines are made. They become owners of a large number of awards from year to year. In addition, wines based on this variety are distinguished by low strength and excellent taste characteristics.

The region is often compared to Burgundy in France due to its natural conditions and raw materials, which are of excellent quality.


The usual classic wines are produced here, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Syrah.

But the highlight of Sicilian wines is Marsala wines (Marsala). These are fortified wines that are distinguished by their rich color, aroma and taste, which only collectible drinks can boast of.

Red or white

The answer to the question of which wine to choose, red or white, depends on taste and budget. Red wines, with the exception of white Marsala, tend to be much more expensive, so those on a budget can opt for the white varieties Chardonnay, Muscat Asti, Alicante.

Connoisseurs are better off choosing red wines such as Valpolicello and Chianti.

What wine is better to bring as a gift to mom from Italy

To choose a wine for a particular person, you need to know at least a little about his tastes. My friend’s husband’s mother is an elegant woman who loves expensive selective perfumes, which means that an important characteristic of wine for her will be the way it opens. This can only be found in varieties such as Valpolicello and Marsala, perhaps Chianti, but from the DOC category.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

As a result, after my story, a friend from Italy brought 2 bottles of wine – Valpolicello to her mother, and Marsala to herself. What is your favorite Italian wine?

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