What kind of moss grows on the tree and the fight against it

What kind of moss grows on the tree and the fight against it

The opinion about whether moss is harmful on a tree is controversial. Having considered the nature and reasons for its appearance, it is easier to understand the situation, assess the degree of danger and find ways to deal with the problem.

Why do mosses and lichens grow on trees?

It would seem that these plants are harmless. Yes, they grow on the trunk or branches, but they are located on the surface of the bark and are not parasites. Lichens are a symbiosis of fungi and algae. They are unpretentious, feed on moisture from the surface on which they are located, dry out in drought, but grow again after rain.

Moss grows on the tree from the shaded and wet side

Mosses are demanding on moisture, prefer damp and shaded places. They have no flowers or roots. They are small green plants that form dense clusters. There are many species growing on trees. Outwardly, they are similar, and it is difficult to distinguish between them.

They reproduce by spores that are located in a sporophyte, a small box on a leg, ripen and fly away. Once on the wet bark of trees, they germinate and grow in wet weather. This occurs in overly thickened and shaded gardens and on old and weakened trees with loose and porous bark, which retains moisture.

It is believed that the appearance of mosses and lichens indicates the ecological purity of the garden. After all, these plants are sensitive to air pollution. But they look unaesthetic, giving the trees an unkempt look. It is much worse that various insect pests and parasitic fungi that feed on plant sap reproduce in dense vegetation. The green mat, formed by mosses, covers large areas of the bark, blocking the pores and obstructing the flow of oxygen.

To avoid a problem, plan to plant trees at a sufficient distance from each other, remove bushes that have grown between them, and trim branches.

If, nevertheless, mosses appear, measures should be taken as early as possible to prevent their spread. Apply one of the simple and effective ways:

  • Mechanical cleaning. Use a piece of wood or a coarse glove, not a metal scraper that will damage the bark. After rain, the mat softens and is easy to remove.
  • Whitewash. Prepare a solution of 10 liters of water and 3 kg of lime. You can add 100 g of copper sulfate, clay, mullein to it. In late autumn, whitewash the trunk and skeletal branches with this composition.
  • Spraying. In the spring, treat the crown of the tree and the ground around it with a solution of ferrous sulfate. For spraying, you can use the ready-made preparation “Skor”, a mixture of ash, salt and soap, or milk of lime.

If there are too many moss in the garden, carry out a sanitary felling of trees, first of all, remove the affected branches.

The moss is not dangerous for the garden, but it weakens the trees. Take preventive measures. Dealing with a problem is more difficult than preventing it.

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