What kind of coffee do celebrities drink, photo

Wday.ru found out which of the dozens of varieties of this drink are preferred by celebrities.

Raf, mocha, cappuccino, latte (accent on a, remember?), Macchiato, espresso, americano … The list can be continued indefinitely. Each decent coffee shop will also offer signature coffee. For example, cappuccino with basil – add homemade syrup from aromatic herb. Or with beet juice, again evaporated to a syrup. You can also order the barista’s favorite coffee of Rihanna or Miley Cyrus. We’ve just figured out what kind of this drink is preferred by celebrities.

It seems that we have found a clue why the singer has recovered so much lately. Taylor Swift loves caramel latte, and, as you know, add the appropriate syrup to it. Moreover, Taylor buys a large glass, not exchanging for trifles. In summer, the singer drinks a latte with ice, in winter, respectively, hot. Surely delicious. But we do not recommend getting carried away – calories, you know.

Barbados beauty simply cannot imagine a day without coffee. And at night, it happens, he gets out of the house to buy a glass of his favorite drink. RiRi prefers iced coffee. Moreover, she is not at all a snob when it comes to coffee shops: Rihanna may well go to a roadside eatery. She will not look for a pretentious place where they will make coffee “with a twist”.

The shocking singer, like her colleague Taylor, also prefers large glasses. She has been noticed more than once in an embrace with a grandiose white mocha. But, unlike Swift, Miley asks not to add syrup, but pour skim milk. Here is the secret of her harmony. Not the only one, of course, but including.

The actress turned out to be quite conservative when it comes to coffee. It’s just a coffee with milk. She drinks it every morning. But first – a glass of warm water with lemon to wake up the metabolism. Jennifer prefers a small toast of whole grain bread with coconut oil for coffee.

The Pretty Little Liars star is also very consistent in her choice of coffee. Lucy Hale prefers to buy a big (really big) soy milk latte. And to make life less bland, she adds two sweetener tablets to the coffee. But we do not advise you to do this. Not all sugar substitutes are healthy.

The singer always assured that she prefers herbal tea, and not coffee at all. But we know that she also drinks coffee. Britney prefers an iced latte or iced coffee with a lot of milk. She also loves strawberry frappuccino. But surely only on big holidays – now Britney is very carefully watching the figure.

The paparazzi, if caught on the street, are always caught with a glass of coffee in hand. The actress prefers an icy Americano or an iced latte. It looks like even in winter.

Without a cup of coffee, one can assume that the day was not going well. How many times the actress was caught at the Dunkin Donut coffee, do not count. At the entrance, she looks rumpled and sleepy, at the exit – a completely different person. This is what the Americano life-giving does!

The supermodel is a regular at Starbucks. She became a real fan of the peppermint latte, which was the highlight of the season at this chain of cafes. Gigi said she was “emotionally attached” to the mint latte. An unusual choice.

“Surprisingly, the thinnest stars usually order the biggest coffee. These glasses look bigger than themselves. ” says Tara Williams, barista in a Los Angeles cafe. Mary-Kate Olsen is no exception, she says. The star is always on a diet, but does not deny herself coffee. She prefers sugar-free vanilla latte. Low fat, of course.

The Hollywood blonde is also a latte fan. She prefers an almond coffee drink with soy milk. In a large glass, of course. At the biggest. Another requirement for coffee is that it must be strong.

The famous beauty always orders a cappuccino. And not even double, but triple. Skimmed milk and no additives. True, it is extremely rare to catch her with a glass in her hands on the street. Perhaps during filming.

The Bridget Jones Diaries star likes it hot. She orders a large vanilla cinnamon latte. Moreover, it should not be warm or hot, but very hot.

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