What kind of alcohol do Russian politicians prefer: from Medvedev to Zhirinovsky

Politicians are also living people, with their own shortcomings, hobbies and passions. Therefore, sometimes they allow themselves to drink, especially if it is their favorite drink.

The preferences of the political elite are significantly different, however, as they say, there is no comrade for the taste and color.

What kind of alcohol do Russian politicians prefer

Over the past decades, the number and species diversity of strong drinks consumed by Russian politicians has undergone significant changes.

So, if during the reign of Yeltsin they drank most often vodka and in unlimited quantities, now in the Kremlin during official receptions it is customary to serve different alcohol and in portions.

The map of the Kremlin bar always contains vodka, cognac and champagne, and they are produced by special order:

  • Vodka Kremlin (Kremlin Award) – made from selected varieties of wheat, produced since 2012 especially for the Kremlin.
  • Cognac Kremlin (Kremlin Award) – is produced in a special workshop of the Armenian plant “Ararat”.
  • Champagne “Kremlin quality” from the Russian manufacturer “Abrau-Durso”.

Strong alcohol

In Soviet times, the leading positions among strong drinks tacitly belonged to the standard Russian vodka. However, now other strong alcoholic drinks are also in favor:

  1. Vodka. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, although he positions himself and members of his party as non-drinkers leading a healthy lifestyle, but on special occasions, sometimes a politician allows himself just a shot of vodka.
  2. Cognac is preferred by Gennady Zyuganov. But lately he has been tasting it very rarely due to his state of health.
  3. Whiskey, like water, is respected by Grigory Yavlinsky.

Weak alcohol

Among the most consumed low-alcohol drinks most often prefer:

  1. Beer is preferred by Vladimir Putin, although such a spectacle is not often seen. Among the wide variety of varieties and types, he especially favors light lager German beer from one of the most famous brewing companies in the country.
  2. Wine is loved by Dmitry Medvedev. At the same time, there are persistent rumors that this is a dry red wine. In addition, many note the genuine interest of the former president not only in the drink itself, but also in the process of its manufacture.
  3. Ksenia Sobchak prefers red semi-sweet Italian wine Kurni (Kurni), which, according to numerous experts, is a legend of modern winemaking.
  4. Champagne allows itself at official receptions Lyubov Sliska.
  5. Martini. Irina Khakamada prefers this exquisite drink.

Russian politicians who don’t drink alcohol at all

Too obvious and serious addiction to alcohol for a politician can be simply fatal. Just one careless word, said in a state of under a degree, can put an end to even the most dizzying career.

In addition, many have recently begun to take their health responsibly and promote proper nutrition, sports and a complete rejection of drinks with a degree. Therefore, there are many among Russian politicians who prefer not to have anything to do with alcohol at all:

  1. Sergei Mironov. In his numerous interviews, the politician states that he does not drink alcohol at all.
  2. Nikolai Valuev. As a true athlete, Nikolai not only does not drink strong drinks, but several years ago even came up with a legislative initiative to ban the sale of alcohol to people of retirement age, as this will increase their life expectancy.
  3. Vyacheslav Fetisov. At one time, the famous athlete advocated a ban on the sale of strong drinks to persons under the age of 21, in order to protect them from early addiction.
  4. Sultan Khamzaev. Being the head of the federal project “Sober Russia”, the politician not only does not drink alcohol himself, but also regularly makes proposals to ban alcohol promotions and discounts.

Times when rampant drunkenness was the norm even among those in power, fortunately, have sunk into oblivion. Now many try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and do not drink alcohol at all.

However, if there is no desire to refuse strong drinks, then it is much safer to give preference to high-quality ones. At the same time, do not forget about the sense of proportion, which can protect you from undesirable consequences in the morning.

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