What kind of alcohol can be given to a doctor so that he is not accused of taking a bribe?

Just a few days ago, something bad happened to me. I felt bad: the temperature rose high, I could not bring it down. I wanted to go to the clinic, but it was already 22 on the clock.

She didn’t work, and I was afraid to wait until the morning with such a temperature. And I called an ambulance. A team came to me: a male doctor and a nice girl, a nurse (or a paramedic, I don’t know how).

They surprised me. They were extremely polite, correct, friendly. But I remember that “on these Internets of yours” I read that in the ambulance all the polls are boors and they don’t know how to treat.

And my saviors quickly gave me some kind of injection, waited until the temperature starts to drop, they told me to contact the local therapist and were like that. I didn’t even get to say thank you.

The next day I regretted it. I wanted to thank them, to do something nice so that the guys know that their work is very important and people appreciate it. What to thank? For some reason I wanted alcohol. I decided to look on the Internet for something special to give, but I came across a law from the government.

Is it possible to give alcohol to a doctor as a thank you?

It turns out that at the end of 2018, a law was passed that it is impossible to give gifts to doctors more expensive than 3000 rubles. But up to this amount, you can choose any present. There is no direct ban on gratitude to doctors in the form of alcohol in the law.

How to proceed? Look for this gift alcohol worth up to 3000, so as not to substitute a good doctor for an article with your gratitude.

Yes, only there were two of them in the ambulance crew, a doctor and a nurse who gave the injection. I decided to thank the two and began to look for someone to give.

What alcohol to choose for a male doctor

My doctor is a serious man. Well, I can’t imagine him drinking some kind of liquor or tincture. Need a serious drink.

  1. Vodka. It seems to me that you can give it either expensive or in a beautiful gift box and you can definitely be sure of the quality. For example, Mamont (Mammoth), Beluga Transatlantic (Beluga Transatlantic).
  2. Cognac. Everything is simple here – the more stars, the more expensive, the main thing is not to run into a fake. Cognac is good in coffee, and as a warming 50 grams on a cold evening they are wonderful. Within 3000 rubles you can find: Camus VS (Camus VES), Courvoirsier VS (Courvoisier VES).
  3. Whiskey. It’s more complicated here – the cheaper, the more likely it is that there will be an alcoholic drink with flavoring. Therefore, I advise you to give Jameson (Jameson), Jack Daniels (Jack Daniels) in a bottle of small volume to keep within the amount allowed by law.
  4. Tequila. I stopped my choice on it. This is cactus vodka, as it is called, and an unusual drink with a strength of 40%. Chose Olmeca Blanco (Olmeca Blanco), but in the same price range you can find tequila from the manufacturer Sauza (Sauza). But my Olmeca bottle is very beautiful.

Important: some types of whiskey, such as William Lawsons, are essentially whiskey-based spirits.

What alcohol to choose for a female doctor

My rescue nurse was a very young, pretty girl, and the injection did not hurt at all. Well, I can’t give her a bottle of vodka. Therefore, I chose from such drinks:

  1. Liquor. There are a great many of them. Berry ones like Tosca and creamy ones like Bayley are good value for money. It is important to remember that with them, like with whiskey, the cheaper, the more alcohol and dyes.
  2. Vermouth. Sweet spiced wine of various colors. I would recommend Martini (Martini) and Cinzano (Cinzano).
  3. Sparkling wine. Not to be confused with champagne. Sparkling is a completely different drink. There is plenty to choose from, both in terms of sugar content, color, and price. I chose Asti Mondoro for the Nurse for a beautiful bottle with a vintage design.

A good doctor should always be thanked for his golden hands.

How to give alcohol to doctors

Then the question arose, how to give? You can’t bring gratitude in a T-shirt bag from the store. Yes, and they may not take it in a closed paper bag – you never know what the patient brought them, maybe you can lose your job for such a gift.

Important: the doctor may refuse the gift, in which case it is better not to impose your present, but simply to sincerely thank. Do not leave packages in the office or near the door.

I designed my gifts in a gift basket under a transparent film, added chocolates and it turned out beautifully, openly, and most importantly, sincerely.

I chose a gift and wrapped it. But the question arose: how to find the same doctor and nurse with an ambulance. It turned out to be quite simple. On the Internet, I found the telephone number of the ambulance substation in my area, called, found out the names of my rescuers and the date when they would be on shift. On the specified day, he arrived and presented gifts.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

He thanked his saviors and it became easier that he had done a good deed. How do you thank doctors?

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