What juice goes best with vodka

Drinking cool water in the morning straight from the spout of the kettle, I realized that not all juices are equally useful. Yesterday was peach with vodka.

I decided to figure out why not all juices can be washed down and diluted with strong alcoholic drinks. It was invented to drink vodka with juices so that it does not burn so much, it is better absorbed in the stomach, and, in general, to improve the taste.

Vodka is added to cocktails because it has no foreign aroma and taste. What cocktails based on vodka and juice to drink, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for the evening lived the day before?

In order to understand this, you need to answer several questions in order.

What are the varieties of cocktails with vodka and juice

First, let’s figure out what cocktails there are with vodka.

What juice goes best with vodka1. Shots or cocktails of small volume, which are drunk in one gulp. For example: Alyosha, which is made from vodka and grapefruit juice in equal proportions.

2. Long drinks or beautiful cocktails that can be sipped through a straw for a long time. For example, Screwdriver, consisting of orange juice (100 ml) and vodka (50 ml).

3. Mixed or cocktails, in which, in addition to vodka and juice, other alcoholic ingredients and liquors can be added in small quantities. This cocktail includes the Blue Lagoon, in which 50 ml of vodka is mixed with 50 ml of pineapple juice and Blue Curacao liqueur is added.

What juice is better to take for cocktails with vodka

In order to understand which juice is better to mix with vodka, you need to consider how each of them behaves when interacting with alcohol.

  1. Pineapple. Cocktails based on this juice are perfect for those who follow their figure, since pineapple juice burns extra calories, and with vodka it should not cause a hangover if consumed in a normal amount, i.e. a couple of cocktails, no more.
  2. Orange. A very controversial juice. If you drink vodka with them without a snack, then you can cause such a good indigestion, since it in itself has a bad effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract due to high acidity, and then alcohol. If orange juice is part of a cocktail, then it is desirable that this drink was not the first of the evening and not on an empty stomach.
  3. Cranberry. Added to cocktails, long drinks along with pineapple and orange juice add sourness. Delicious and does not carry a negative effect on the body in small quantities. They don’t need to drink vodka. Again, due to the high acidity.
  4. Apple. Ideal for making cocktails. It is enough to mix 150 ml. juice and 50 ml. vodka. Such a drink is easy to drink, since vodka is practically not felt in it.
  5. Cherry. This is a tricky juice. It is very easy to drink with vodka, but due to the fact that it slows down the breakdown of alcohol, it can lead to severe alcohol poisoning or a hangover, because it contains a lot of sugar.
  6. Tomato. One of the most popular juices to mix with vodka. Juice and snack in one. You can drink it all evening in a cocktail, and as an addition, and not be afraid of the consequences. The main thing is to observe only one rule – tomato juice is drunk only chilled.

What juice goes best with vodkaWhat other ingredients are added

It is customary to add Tabasco hot sauce (Tabasco) and Worcestershire sauce to cocktails with vodka. You can also add salt, pepper, celery, but in no case fruit puree or berries.

What proportions of juice and vodka are usually in cocktails

In long drinks, it is customary to mix 3 parts juice and 1 part vodka.

If this is a shot, then vodka and juice should be the same in it – 15-20 ml each.

In mixed cocktails, the proportions of the ingredients depend on the imagination of the bartender, but I recommend 3 parts juice and 7 parts vodka for a strong cocktail and vice versa 3 parts vodka and 7 parts juice for a light cocktail.

After reading the answers to all questions, we can conclude that the ideal cocktail is one in which vodka is mixed with the right juice (apple or tomato) in a proportion suitable for the strength of a particular person.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

Honestly, the other day I decided to conduct an experiment and drank Bloody Mary at gatherings with friends, in which vodka, spices and tomato juice. The next morning I also drank cool water from the kettle, but, let’s say, more out of an old habit. In everything you need to observe the measure, what do you think?

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