what it is and how to avoid it, tips

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It affects not only adults but also children. Although skin atopy is not a disease, it is considered an ailment that can make life miserable. Its occurrence can be genetically determined – especially when it comes to both parents.

When atopy occurs, one rarely speaks of intolerance to just one allergen, even a whole group.

What is skin atopy

What is most often called atopy is nothing more than an incorrect reaction of the body to contact with one of the allergens. Such irritants can appear unexpectedly, for example, through contact with animals or cosmetics. The body’s response is a signal to eliminate this factor.

These allergens don’t cause the same symptoms in everyone – most people don’t show any negative effects.

It should be added that skin atopy can lead to the development of atopic dermatitis. Therefore, we can say that this is an inadequate reaction of the body to this factor, which for many people is neutral.

Research shows that atopy can occur in both adults and children. In the latter group, it is diagnosed more often, or its symptoms are more characteristic and noticeable.

However, it cannot be denied that the current polluted environment means that more and more people with atopic symptoms are being treated by doctors.

Prevention of atopy

Lifestyle changes may be required to reduce the risk of atopy. In fact, the mother can protect the unborn child from the high risk of unpleasant ailments. What can she do? During pregnancy, you should avoid not only smoking, but also harmful smog. Remember that fresh air and clean drinking water are your good friends!

It is also not recommended to expose yourself to dust mites and other equally harmful factors.

Contact with allergens should be minimized. Clothing should only be made from natural fabrics that are suitable for humans. Use only safe cosmetics that are properly tested and labeled as hypoallergenic.

Its composition should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin of allergy sufferers. Therefore, the substances used in it are not common allergens. An allergy test must be performed before using a new drug. It consists in applying the product in an invisible place, such as on the wrist.

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