Rash, cough, hives, runny nose, abdominal pain … These are common symptoms of health problems in the youngest patients. When do they indicate a banal infection, and when do they signal a serious illness?
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1/ 8 Rash with chicken pox
Vesicular rash predominates in the course of chickenpox. The bubbles can be of different sizes – most of them are on the face and body. In the event of their occurrence, you must immediately see a pediatrician. It is necessary to lubricate skin lesions with the prescribed ointment. If your baby has a fever, he or she should stay in bed. It is recommended to change bed linen frequently and take a bath with the addition of a disinfectant.
2/ 8 Urticaria
Urticaria is a form of an allergic reaction in the body. The acute form is more common – it appears after eating certain foods or medications. If the urticaria recurs frequently, allergy testing should be performed. The lesions should be lubricated with ointment with corticosteroids.
3/ 8 Measles rash
The measles rash is bright red and lumpy. The eruptions merge with each other and the skin resembles “leopard skin”. In the case of measles, see a doctor. The disease is treated symptomatically.
4/ 8 When a sore throat …
A sore throat is usually a symptom of his bacterial infection. When looking at the throat, however, you can see many characteristic symptoms, e.g. white coating typical of angina. If a raid has appeared, it is necessary to visit a doctor in order to obtain a prescription for antibiotics. If the throat is only red, you can treat it at home with rinses and tablets available at the pharmacy.
5/8 Qatar
Although it is said that even an untreated runny nose only lasts seven days, let’s never underestimate a baby’s runny nose! Apart from the infectious cause, it can also be the first symptom of an allergy. In the case of a runny nose, it is worth taking inhalations. If such gentle methods do not help, use nasal drops.
6/ 8 The cough is uneven
Wet, dry, »barking»… The nature of the cough can tell you a lot about the underlying disease, so it is worthwhile to observe your child before visiting the doctor for detailed information. In the case of a dry cough, we use a soothing syrup, and in the case of a wet cough, one that thins the secretion and facilitates its expectoration.
7/ 8 Should you kill a fever?
Most childhood illnesses develop a fever. It is not always advisable to drastically lower the temperature. Usually it is enough to give your baby plenty of cool liquids and avoid overheating.
8/ 8 Belly and head …
Although it is a common saying that it is one of the school’s excuses, never underestimate a child’s stomach ache as it may be a sign of a serious illness. First of all, we use a slightly digestible diet and herbal teas to help relax the digestive tract. If this does not help, we turn to specialist abdominal pain remedies.