According to the psychic, such a phenomenon can speak of health problems or even psyche.
No wonder the ancient Greek healer Hippocrates said: “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are sick with.” It turns out that even small changes in taste preferences indicate changes in the energy and psychological plans. Therefore, it is important to monitor what you eat, what cravings have appeared in order to quickly react to the situation.
If there is no appetite
Well, what’s wrong with that, you say. On the contrary, there are some advantages, at least to lose weight by the spring. But if a person does not care at all what he eats, if he is interrupted by what came to hand, and even then when he remembers that he needs to eat, this can be a problem. Especially if a person does not distinguish the taste of food, and in the evening he cannot even remember what he ate. Such a seemingly banal thing speaks of an unwillingness to live, a decrease in vital energy, a decline in strength and an approaching depression.
Sweet cravings
If a craving for sweets wakes up, it means that the person lacks positive emotions. There is no pleasure in living in the present moment. He tries to compensate for the feeling of joy with pleasant taste sensations. In this case, it is worth pause and analyze the painful moments that have recently occurred. They need to be worked out so as not to inadvertently gain excess weight.
Products deteriorate quickly
It so happens that fresh food begins to mold or rot on the second day. This also happens for a reason. It seems to be an external symptom, but it can be a harbinger of depression. Moreover, scientists have found that next to negative-minded people or with victim syndrome, the water changed its properties, that is, it quickly became musty and hard. After all, cells are alive, they quickly respond to any energy changes. This means that microorganisms and trace elements contained in food are also subject to the same modifications.
Products quickly deteriorate in abnormal zones, in zones with negative and heavy energy. This happens when a person radiates the energy of a victim, troubles are poured on him from all sides. Another reason is that some kind of magical effect has been made on him, he has problems with his personal life, or the person is sick, does not feel well. The third reason is that there is an abnormal zone in the apartment or in the house.
The fact is that trace elements and living bacteria contained in foods react to our energy. That is why food deteriorates quickly in a house with poor energy. It happens that they were just brought from the store, and the food almost immediately gives a sourness or an unpleasant smell. This is the first indication that there is something bad in the house. Our touch to living bacteria gives a definite reaction, as we enter into interaction with the properties of living structures. And when we enter into interaction, we leave our energy footprint.
For example, in the home of lonely people, food can quickly deteriorate, not because they are not being watched or put in the refrigerator, but because their energy is working, or, as it is also called, the karma of loneliness.
Flowers wither just as quickly in such a house. Water in a vase can have a musty, rotten smell and even bloom if it stands in a place where heavy, negative energy comes from. Water is an indicator of a person’s energy, it can determine how much positive or negative energy he has.
Silver also reacts to the negative energy of a person: it can fade, turn black, quickly oxidize when it comes into contact with your skin, especially if you have a strong acidification of energy.