What is weakening your bones? The greatest enemies – avoid it like the fire!

It often seems to us that diseases of the skeletal system, including osteoporosis, only affect the elderly. This is only partially true, so you need to take care of healthy bones today. Can the popular binge watching or cycling affect calcium loss? We check why it is worth taking a look at your daily diet and physical activity in order to prevent the development of skeletal diseases.

  1. Skeletal diseases most often develop after the age of 60
  2. One of the most common diseases of the skeletal system is osteoporosis
  3. To strengthen bones, it is worth giving up salt or carbonated drinks, the excess of which causes leaching of calcium
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Weak bone diseases only affect seniors?

One of the diseases of the skeletal system is osteoporosis. It mainly affects seniors, but it can develop in young people and children. Osteoporosis is initially asymptomatic, which is why it is called the “silent bone thief”. The development of the disease is influenced not only by health factors (menopause or low bone mineral density), but also by an inadequate diet or lack of physical activity. The symptoms of osteoporosis include excessive bone fragility, postural defects or bone pain, as well as digestive disorders and abdominal pain.

Check the condition of your bones

uPatient offers the Healthy Bones package – blood tests to check the condition of the bones. The tests include the most common parameters that may indicate the first problems with the skeletal system. Available for purchase at Medonet Market

What weakens bones?

As already mentioned, the condition of the skeletal system is very much influenced by diet and physical activity. Too low supply of calcium or vitamin D deficiency are the most frequently mentioned components of bone weakness.

Leaching these elements (especially calcium) from the body can lead to the development of osteoporosis. In addition, frequent use of stimulants or taking certain medications also affects healthy bones, causing their demineralisation.

Excess salt in the diet and weak bones

One substance that causes excess calcium to be leached out of the body is salt. Its high content can be found in light bread, cold cuts, french fries or cheeses.

However, the point is not to completely give up salt, but to reduce its amount. If we want to take care of not only bones in this area, but also the urinary system and skin, we should look at how much salt is contained in our daily meals.

Cycling and weak bones

Cycling is one of the most popular physical activities, especially in spring and summer. It improves heart and lung function, but does not affect bone density to the same extent as walking, running or swimming. For this reason, the next time before we choose a bike, let’s think about whether it is worth taking a longer walk, or maybe training in an open-air gym.

  1. Health on two wheels. Learn the basic benefits of cycling

Lack of vitamin D and weak bones

Vitamin D increases calcium absorption, improves bone quality and also reduces the risk of falls. Subsequent studies prove that 30 minutes spent in the sun allows the body to provide about 20 thousand. units of vitamin D3. So it is enough to leave the house for 10-15 minutes a week. However, remember to use a high sunscreen to prevent the development of skin cancer at the same time.

Supplements with vitamin D.

Doctors advise you to take vitamin D supplementation as it is very difficult to get enough from the sun alone.

At Medonet Market you will find a wide selection of preparations containing vitamin D, including:

  1. XeniVIT Vitamin D 2000 Xenico – 120 capsules for 19,68 PLN
  2. Vitamin D3 2000IU vegan Viridian
  3. Vitamin D3 2500 IU Solgar liquid
  4. Vitamin D3 2000 Vivoforte from 6,99 PLN

Sweetened drinks and weak bones

Another enemy of healthy bones are carbonated, sweetened drinks. Scientists are primarily concerned about cola, which contains a high dose of caffeine. Objections to the skeletal system are also raised by the excess of coffee and tea, which also causes excessive leaching of calcium from the body.

Dairy products and weak bones

The weakening of the bones is affected by the excess of dairy products (especially pasteurized UHT milk), which causes acidification of the body, and thus leaching of calcium. In addition, due to the wrong proportions between calcium and phosphorus, they make it less digestible than in the case of poppy seeds, sesame or almonds, where the ratio of the elements is 2: 1.

Stimulants and weak bones

Smoking or drinking alcohol affects not only the deterioration of the skin or liver problems, but also the skeletal system. Stimulants prevent the body from absorbing the right amount of calcium. When inhaling cigarette smoke, it is impossible to build new bone tissue, which promotes its demineralization.

Drugs and weak bones

Certain medications can also weaken your bones. They mainly include:

  1. antibiotics 
  2. anticoagulants, 
  3. steroids, 
  4. sedatives, 
  5. stomach shielding drugs. 

Therefore, if we take them, we should ask the attending physician what to do to minimize the effect of drugs on the skeletal system.

For healthy and strong bones, it is worth reaching for supplements, eg Red Flex 7 – a supplement for maintaining healthy bones and joints, which contains boswellia with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Binge watching and weak bones

Binge watching is a very popular term for compulsive watching series for hours, which also adversely affects the bones. The most dangerous thing in this case is the lack of exercise.

While watching your favorite series at one time, nothing will happen to us. However, the most important thing is that binge watching should not become our habit and the only way to spend free time. Even when you go for a 30-minute walk during the day, you can listen to your favorite podcast.

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