
It is a mistake to believe that B12 is an ordinary vitamin. In fact, the definition of “vitamin B12” hides a whole group of substances – hydroxycobalamin, 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin, methylcobalamin, cyanocobalamin. In the generally accepted sense, when talking about vitamin B12, they mean cyanocobalamin, since this is its most common form.
Chemically, vitamin B12 is an intricate molecular structure with cobalt at its center. Nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and phosphorus are attached to the cobalt ion. Active elements are not destroyed by thermal exposure. In nature, it is synthesized by bacteria and protozoa, non-nuclear archaea. Vitamin is highly soluble in water, so it is used for intravenous infusion.
The importance of vitamin B12 in the life of the body is enormous. It affects hematopoiesis, promotes the development of full-fledged, normally functioning red blood cells. Without vitamin B12, a complete synthesis of DNA, amino and fatty acids is impossible. Cyanocobalamin is necessary for fat burning, energy production, the physiological functioning of all parts of the nervous system, cholesterol control, regulation of growth processes.
Products-record holders for the content of vitamin B12
Remember that this vitamin can withstand temperatures up to 300 ° C, so it is not lost during cooking, but can pass into water in which, for example, clams or scallops were boiled. Therefore, shellfish broth also has a healing effect.

+ 10 more popular foods rich in vitamin B12 (mcg) | |||||
Crab sticks | 1,6 | Curd | 0,47 | ||
Turkey meat | 0,9 | Ryazhenka | 0,46 | ||
milk chocolate | 0,8 | Ham, carbonate | 0,43 | ||
Coffee with milk | 0,5 | Cream | 0,42 | ||
Yogurt | 0,5 | Chicken | 0,37 |
View the entire table of 350+ products ➤
Daily intake of vitamin B12 for women, men and children
Rationing of vitamin consumption is carried out by authorized nutrition committees in each state. For vitamin B12, the norm is from 1 to 3 mcg per day. These rates increase for pregnant and lactating women.
In 1998, the US Food and Nutrition Board established the following standards:
Age | Daily requirement, mcg |
0-6 months | 0,4 |
7-12 months | 0,5 |
1-3 years | 0,9 |
4-8 years | 1,2 |
9-13 years | 1,8 |
From 14 years and older | 2,4 |
Pregnancy | 2,6 |
Lactation | 2,8 |
Since 1993, the European Committee on Nutrition has defined its own daily intake of vitamin B12:
Age | Daily requirement, mcg |
6-12 months | 0,5 |
1-3 years | 0,7 |
4-6 years | 0,9 |
7-10 years | 1,0 |
11-14 years | 1,3 |
From 15 years and older | 1,4 |
Pregnancy | 1,6 |
Lactation | 1,9 |
For comparison, consider the table of B12 consumption rationing in different states:
Countries | mcg/day |
European Union (including Greece), Ireland, Belgium | 1,4 |
United Kingdom | 1,5 |
Italy, Spain, Nordic countries | 2,0 |
USA, France | 2,4 |
Netherlands | 2,8 |
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal | 3,0 |
* TRAIN, OON | 2,4 |
The need for vitamin B12 increases in the following cases
Elderly people. In almost 10-30% of older people, atrophic gastritis is recorded, in which the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is inhibited. These processes impair the absorption of vitamin B12.
Vegetarian Diet. Synthesis of cyanocobalamin by plants is impossible. Valuable components are contained only in products of animal origin – milk, eggs, meat.
stomach surgery. During resection or removal of the stomach, the synthesis of hydrochloric acid by specific cells stops. The absence of intrinsic cellular factor precludes absorption of B12.
Autoimmune pathologies, including type I diabetes.
Crohn’s disease.
Physico-chemical properties of vitamin B12
Cyanocobalamin is the most complex in structure of all vitamins. The dark red substance is characterized by a crystalline or powder form. Vitamin B12 is ideally soluble in water, ethyl and methyl alcohol, does not react to exposure to air, but is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. Cyanocobalamin withstands heating up to 300°C. In an acidic environment, the substance loses its activity.
The body needs a systematic influx of vitamin B12, as it quickly absorbs and also quickly removes it. Water-soluble vitamins cannot be stored in adipose tissue like fat-soluble vitamins.
[Video] Accessible and simple – what is vitamin B12 and why do we need it?
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