What is vegetarianism: real and imitators

Vegetarianism may seem like a very simple concept: not eating meat means being a vegetarian. This was true even in the last century, but today the popular philosophy of “don’t kill” consists of a whole network of varieties and terms. So, a person who does not eat animals is not yet a vegetarian, and one who eats them, but not enough, can be considered as such. It is worth understanding the intricacies of this culture, what if you are already a vegetarian?

What is it really

To understand this topic in detail, you first need to understand what vegetarianism is. For a true follower of this culture, this is not only a type of food, that is, the rejection of meat is far from the only requirement. The core of this philosophy is love for all living things. The vegetarian does not see the difference between the life of a bee and the life of a man, both of them are born to live, not to be eaten.

This is a whole kind of worldview that has a single goal – to save all animals from fear and suffering and cleanse their own body. A vegetarian refuses not only meat, but also products tested on animals. Also, the followers of this culture cannot wear clothes made of leather, wool, skins. In most cases, a vegetarian can eat those animal products that do not cause harm and suffering to our smaller brothers: eggs, dairy products, honey. However, this is not the limit, there are those who refuse even them and eat only plant foods.

The motivation for switching to a vegetarian diet can vary. So, for example, some adhere to a plant-based diet just for health (many believe that meat is harmful to the body), while others feel sorry not only for living beings, but for the entire planet (industrial animal husbandry pollutes it no less than other industries).

A common reason for switching to this system is religion, for example, most branches of Hinduism forbid killing animals, much less eating them.

There are those who refuse meat dishes in terms of economy. However, love for the planet and all living things is considered the true or most worthy motive. In recent decades, this philosophy is experiencing another peak of its popularity.

More and more young people today are ready to give up violence and more and more varieties of this food system appear. In parallel with vegetarianism, various methods of healing and losing weight attributed to vegetarianism are flourishing.

However, not everyone who calls himself a vegetarian is actually one. Let’s look into this in more detail.

True vegetarian options

So, given the options for motives, you can figure out what vegetarianism is. This is the realization of the value of each life on a par with your own. No one wants to eat their own leg or give a friend a handbag made from their skin. The vegetarian has the same attitude towards the body of animals.

But even in this case, vegetarianism can be different, and maybe not vegetarianism at all. First, let’s get acquainted with the true culture, and then learn about fakes, so as not to fall into the trap of fashionable diets.

Real vegetarians can be called differently:

  • lacto-ovo-vegetarian;
  • lacto-vegetarian;
  • ovo-vegetarian;
  • vegan.

Lacto-ovo vegetarian. Before us is the most common type of this philosophy. It is with its canons that almost everyone is familiar. Such a vegetarian completely denies violence against living beings, does not eat meat, does not wear clothing of animal origin. It feeds on all the colors of the plant world, this includes mushrooms, fruits, berries, nuts, cereals. He can also indulge in dairy products and eggs, since they are obtained without killing.

In terms of practice and transition to a similar diet, this is the easiest option, since the menu here is quite extensive. With the help of permitted foods, a lacto-ovo vegetarian can fantasize and experiment with dishes. This cuisine boasts an assortment and choice no less than those of meat-eaters: pies, desserts, warm salads, soups, etc.

The opinion of nutritionists: of all types of vegetarianism, this is considered the most balanced, therefore not dangerous. Thanks to milk and eggs, the diet compensates for the missing nutrients.

Lacto vegetarian. This type differs from the previous one in that it does not allow the use of eggs. This choice is argued by the fact that the egg is intended by nature not at all for a person to eat it. The bird carries it for future offspring. If a lacto-ovo vegetarian understands that offspring is possible only if the eggs are fertilized, then for this type this is not an argument at all. Lacto-vegetarianism implies that the egg is intended to continue life and should not be eaten. But their menu contains the entire list of plants, cereals, mushrooms and all dairy products.

The opinion of nutritionists: a less balanced diet and not suitable for everyone, for example, due to health, a person may lack protein.

Ovo vegetarian. These guys do not see anything wrong with eating eggs – after all, they are not fertilized and cannot give life, besides, no one killed a chicken for the sake of eggs. But they have a different attitude towards dairy products – they don’t have anything dairy on the menu. It should be noted that the motive of such a menu is more recovery. Adherents of this type of nutrition argue their choice by the fact that animal milk is not suitable for our body (it has a lot of fat, it is poorly absorbed, etc.), but eggs are great and do not harm anyone. As in other cases, such a vegetarian can afford any plant food.

The opinion of nutritionists: compared to lacto-vegetarianism, there are fewer attacks from scientists in this case, since animal milk really causes heated debate among doctors.

Vegan. This is a fanatic in the field of vegetarianism, a hard ascetic, a critic and a protector of this planet. He does not eat meat, eggs, milk, fish and everything that is somehow connected with them. People who are far from the topic are especially surprised by the rejection of honey. Beekeeping products were banned, since bees need honey more, and a person mercilessly takes it, uses it as he wants and generally exploits the bees.

A vegan can condemn all other vegetarians, and the one who eats eggs and the one who drinks milk is wrong for him. After all, even if the animal is not killed for the sake of these products, they are kept in terrible conditions and used for their own purposes, but in the end they will still be killed. To be fair, it should be noted that this is the case. Only greens, mushrooms, cereals, fruits, vegetable oils remain on the vegan menu.

The opinion of nutritionists: doctors treat such a nutrition system negatively. Only a few justify the possibility of an absolute plant-based diet, and then only for a while, and not on a permanent basis. Plant foods alone cannot fully cover the list of vitamins and minerals that a person needs.

And even that’s not all. There are people who can “give odds” even to a vegan. For example, raw foodists are a separate caste of people. Their motive is often not only love for the world around them, but, above all, for themselves. Raw foodists believe that the most benefit can only be obtained from those products that have not undergone heat treatment. True, not all of them are true vegetarians, the main thing here is to eat raw. What you can eat raw is what you eat. For example, some still allow themselves dried mushrooms or even dried meat, or corned beef.

But most raw foodists adhere to the philosophy of the inviolability of a living being. They feed mainly on greens, berries, nuts, and vegetables. Considering the types of vegetarianism, it is impossible not to mention fruitarians. That’s about who doctors have the most concerns.

Fruitarians feed exclusively on fruits that do not require the destruction of the entire plant to harvest.

For example, to dig up potatoes, we destroy the entire tuber – it’s bad, you don’t need to eat it. But apples are possible, because the apple tree continues to grow after the harvest.

As you can see, there are many options. However, having decided to switch to such a diet and outlook, it is worth doing it gradually, learning about the correct transition to vegetarianism. The main thing is not to go to extremes: fruitarianism, even according to many vegans, is rather torturing your body.

“Fake” Vegetarianism

If a person tells you that he is a vegetarian – do not believe him and ask what he eats. Today, a developed network of fashionable diets often ascribes itself to vegetarianism, although it has nothing to do with it. It should be noted that the reason for this is the very fashion for vegetarianism, especially among young people. Having gone on a diet for weight loss or recovery, or maybe just for the sake of change, it is worth understanding pseudo-vegetarianism so as not to goof off in the circle of knowledgeable people.

So, a “non-vegetarian” might call himself something like this:

  • peskovegetarian;
  • pollo-vegetarian;
  • flexitarian.

Sand vegetarian. This type of diet is also quite complicated, it involves the rejection of meat products, milk, eggs. Such asceticism is compensated by plants, cereals, seafood and fish. That is, “alive” they still eat. These are people who sincerely believe that they are vegetarians. No.

Vegetarian opinion: a real animal advocate will say that the fish has feelings, which means that it experiences fear and pain. Even oysters, which do not have a CNS, are made for life, not as food for us. Therefore, such a diet is referred to as “pseudo”.

Pollo vegetarian. Before us is a man who “does not feel sorry for the bird.” This diet practically repeats the canons of veganism: meat and dairy products, eggs are taboo, honey, seafood and fish are optional. Only plants and poultry meat remain for the menu. In the field of predatory vision fall: chicken, turkey, goose. In their defense, pollo-vegetarians provide a list of essential elements for our health.

Vegetarian opinion: this does not apply to any vegetarianism, like the previous version, since the main idea – “do not kill” – is completely absent here.

Flexitarian. This is a person who seems to feel sorry for animals, but not really. For a true vegetarian, this is the most miserable case in an attempt to imitate. These people refuse meat, but not completely, sometimes any animal product may appear on their menu. The rest of the time they eat like regular lacto-ovo vegetarians or another type of this system.

Opinion of a vegetarian: a flexitarian is a real meat-eater and predator, who is sometimes tormented by conscience. It has nothing to do with vegetarianism and love for animals.

In addition, anyone who has refused a product on their menu comes up with a name for the diet with the prefix “vegetarianism”. It remains only to guess why, because the main law of non-violence is not taken into account in the considered options. In fairness, it should be noted that flexitarianism, despite vegan ridicule, is the most optimal type of diet for the average person. In fact, most of us are already flexitarians.

Which type to choose and not to be mistaken

If the idea for the integrity and inviolability of a living being becomes something native, it’s time to move on to choosing your menu. As we managed to make sure, there is plenty to choose from: you can leave scrambled eggs on the menu, or cottage cheese, you can do both. In order not to miscalculate and make the right choice for yourself, you need to ask yourself the question: “Why am I doing this?”. When it comes to health or self-improvement, no-frills lacto-ovo-vegetarianism is fine.

If the reason for this is concern for our smaller brothers, you are a follower of ahimsa (it turns out). This is such a principle of behavior that is obligatory for yogis and is the first commandment of spiritual development. This is what most vegans follow. However, if simply giving up meat seems insufficient, you can try a raw food diet, it will help you get healthier and lose weight. But it is better not to stick to it for a long time, as doctors do not in vain call for good nutrition.

Those who are worried about the ecology of the planet should also think about vegetarianism. Increasingly, adherents of this system say that such a measure is simply necessary, and not a personal choice of everyone. The development of animal husbandry increases the amount of greenhouse gases, waste, reduces the area of ​​​​forest and supplies of drinking water. If such facts scare you, but the morality of vegetarians is alien, flexitarianism is enough.

Now we know that there is real vegetarianism and imitation. We even learned what types of both are. When choosing your own philosophy, it is important not to forget about your health. Therefore, even false variants of such a culture have their followers and the right to exist. The main thing is that they do not harm and bring pleasure.

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