What is useful turmeric? How and why to take it?
What is useful turmeric? How and why to take it?
What is useful turmeric? How and why to take it?

Turmeric, sometimes referred to as Indian saffron or golden spice, is a plant native to Asia and Central America. The spice is made from the crushed, dried roots of the plant. The bright yellow color of processed turmeric has inspired many cultures to use it as a dye. Ground turmeric is also the main ingredient in curry powder.

There are more than 40 varieties of turmeric in the world, but only four of them are actively used in cooking:

  • Turmeric, known as “homemade turmeric”. It is actively used in oriental cuisine. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the dishes of Central Asia. No less popular spice in England and the USA.

  • Turmeric is round. The plant is processed into starch.

  • Citrus root or zedoaria turmeric. The spice is burning, has a bitter aftertaste. Whole parts of the plant are used in the manufacture of liqueurs.

  • Aromatic – the queen of spices in cooking.

All the benefits of turmeric lie in a special active ingredient with powerful biological properties – in curcumin. Preclinical studies have shown that it has various antioxidant, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic properties. However, when taken orally, the mixture is very quickly metabolized and excreted from the human body. For this reason, more clinical studies are needed.

Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of healing, recommends turmeric for various ailments. These include chronic pain and inflammation. Western medicine began to study turmeric as a pain reliever and healing agent.

This article explores turmeric’s nutritional value, health benefits, and some of its negative side effects.

Turmeric composition

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, one teaspoon of turmeric powder contains: [1]

Calories 16 KKal

  • Fats:

    0,16 g

  • Proteins:

    0,48 g

  • Carbohydrates:

    3,36 g

  • Water:

    0,64 g

  • Ash:

    0,35 g

Minerals (in 100 g):




19,8 mg



55 mg



1,3 mg



208 mg



2080 mg



299 mg



4,5 mg



168 mg



6,2 μg


Vitamins (in 100 g):

Vitamin E

4,43 mg


Vitamin B2

0,15 mg


Vitamin K

13,4 μg


Vitamin B5

0,54 mg


Vitamin B4

49,2 mg


Vitamin B3

1,35 mg


Vitamin B6

0,11 mg


Vitamin B9

20 μg


Vitamin B1

0,06 mg


Complete chemical composition of turmeric ➤

*RDA is the recommended daily allowance.

14 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric

The benefits of turmeric are so wide that they have acquired an almost mythical status in some cultures. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer properties.

Turmeric has been used extensively in Indian and Chinese medicine for thousands of years, but modern scientific research is just beginning to explore the benefits of turmeric for our body. Here are 14 proven health benefits of turmeric.

1 Powerful healing properties

Turmeric contains powerful biologically active compounds with powerful healing properties. And curcuminoids have the greatest healing effect. The three well-known curcuminoids are curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin. The first one is the most useful of them. [3]

In other words, turmeric contains about 3% curcumin, while turmeric extract is 95%. Therefore, to achieve the full effect, it is recommended to take it in the form of a dietary supplement. [4]

Unfortunately, curcumin is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream. But there is a natural substance that increases its absorption by 2000%. This is piperine, which is found in black pepper. Good curcumin supplements should contain piperine, which increases their effectiveness. [5]

2 natural anti-inflammatory agent

In the life of our body, inflammation plays a big role. It helps our body fight pathogens and also plays a big role in repairing damage. While acute, short-term inflammation is beneficial, it can become a serious problem when it becomes chronic and inappropriately attacks our body’s own tissues.

Scientists now believe that long-term, mild inflammation plays an important role in almost all chronic diseases. Such as heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease and various degenerative conditions. [6], [7], [8]

Turmeric has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In fact, it is so powerful that it is as effective as some anti-inflammatory drugs, and yet has no side effects. [9], [10], [11].

It blocks the NF-kB molecule that travels to the nucleus of our cells and turns on genes associated with inflammation. NF-kB is believed to play an important role in most chronic diseases. [12], [13]

Without going into too much detail (inflammation is tricky), the key takeaway is that turmeric actively fights inflammation at the molecular level. [14], [15], [16]

3 Powerful antioxidant

It is believed that the oxidative process, which involves free radicals, is one of the mechanisms of aging and the cause of many diseases. The main property of antioxidants is that they protect the body from free radicals. They tend to react with important organic substances such as fatty acids, proteins or DNA.

* Free radicals, highly reactive molecules with unpaired electrons.

Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals due to its chemical structure. [17], [18]

In addition, the spice increases the activity of the body’s own antioxidant enzymes. [19], [20], [21]

On the subject: Antioxidants are the strongest antioxidants in foods ➤

4 Improves brain function

Turmeric increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which has been linked to improved brain function and reduced risk of degenerative diseases. It used to be thought that neurons were unable to divide and multiply after the age of 13. However, it is now known that this is not the case. Neurons are able to form new connections, and in certain areas of the brain they can even multiply and increase in number.

One of the main drivers of this process is the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is a type of growth hormone that functions in the brain. [22]

* Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a human protein encoded by the BDNF gene.

Many common brain disorders have been linked to low levels of this hormone, including depression and Alzheimer’s disease. [23], [24]

By increasing hormone levels, it can delay or even reverse many brain diseases and age-related decline in brain function. [27]

It can also improve memory and make us smarter, which seems logical given its effect on BDNF levels. However, for this confirmation, controlled studies in humans are needed.

On the subject: 15 substances that speed up brain function and improve memory ➤

5 Reduces the risk of heart disease

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death worldwide. [28]

Scientists have been studying them for decades and have learned a lot about why they occur. Turmeric can reverse some of the steps in the process of heart disease. [29]

When it comes to heart disease, the main benefit of turmeric is to improve the function of the endothelium, which is the lining of blood vessels. It is well known that endothelial dysfunction is one of the major contributors to cardiovascular disease and is associated with the inability of the endothelium to regulate blood pressure, blood clotting, and various other factors.

Some studies show that turmeric leads to improved endothelial function. One study found it to be as effective as exercise, while another showed it worked as well as the drug Atorvastatin. [30], [31]

In addition, inflammation and oxidative processes in the body are reduced (as discussed above), which also play a role in heart disease.

On the subject: 15 most useful foods for the heart and blood vessels ➤

6 Helps with cancer

Turmeric may help prevent (and possibly even treat) cancer. Cancer is a terrible disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. There are many different forms of cancer, some of which can be combined with a few things in common.  [33]

Turmeric has been studied by scientists as a beneficial spice for cancer, and has been found to affect the growth, development, and spread of cancer at the molecular level. [34]

Studies have shown that it promotes the death of cancer cells and reduces angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels in tumors, and metastasis (the spread of cancer). [35]

Numerous studies also show that the growth of cancer cells in the laboratory is reduced and the growth of tumors in experimental animals is inhibited.  [36], [37]

In a 30-day study of 44 men with colon lesions that sometimes become cancerous, 4 grams of turmeric extract per day reduced the number of lesions by 40%. [38]

Perhaps someday, this spice will be used alongside traditional cancer treatment, but it’s too early to say for sure.

On the subject: Cancer Immunotherapy: Nobel Prize in Medicine 2018 ➤

7 Useful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease in the world and the leading cause of dementia. Unfortunately, there is no good treatment for Alzheimer’s yet. Therefore, preventing its occurrence in the first place is a priority.

What is useful turmeric? How and why to take it?

Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease

There is already good news at this time because turmeric has been shown in studies to cross the blood-brain barrier. [39]

Inflammatory and oxidative damage play a role in Alzheimer’s disease, and turmeric has beneficial effects on both. [40]

In addition, a key feature of Alzheimer’s disease is the accumulation of protein tangles called amyloid plaques. Studies show that turmeric helps clear plaque from arteries. [41]

8 Treats arthritis

Arthritis is a common disease characterized by inflammation of the joints. Given that turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory food, it can be speculated that it may help with arthritis. Several studies prove this to be true.

In a study done on people with rheumatoid arthritis, it was even more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs. [42]

For example, several studies have shown that turmeric can reduce knee pain and improve function in people with osteoarthritis. Other research even suggests that turmeric may work, as well as ibuprofen, to reduce pain. [67], [69]

Many other studies have noted improvements in various arthritis symptoms. [43], [44]

But you can not replace turmeric therapy with drugs, but this spice does not have negative side effects, like drugs.

Read more in the article: 4 Scientifically Proven Home Remedies for Arthritis ➤

9 Relieves symptoms of irritable bowel

What is useful turmeric? How and why to take it?

A 2010 animal study explored the potential of turmeric to treat any gastrointestinal disease. After a single dose of this spice extract, rats showed a decrease in the length of their small intestines. This suggests that turmeric alleviates abnormal intestinal contractions. [70]

This means that it may be useful for treating IBS and other conditions such as diarrhea and abdominal cramps.

10 Protects against diabetes

Many studies have shown that turmeric can protect against the development of diabetes. A diabetes management study found that people with prediabetes who took turmeric for 9 months were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who took a placebo. The authors of the study noted that the spice appears to improve the function of beta cells, which produce insulin in the pancreas.

Turmeric is also a strong antibiotic, but its action, unlike chemical drugs, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. The use of turmeric helps to effectively fight obesity, which affects almost all patients with diabetes. This spice reduces the desire to eat sweets and fatty foods.

Reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes the condition of the blood. Due to the large number of healing properties, turmeric in diabetes lowers blood sugar and contributes to overall health.

11 Helps with depression

Turmeric has shown itself well in treating depression, and even major depressive disorder (clinical depression). Recent studies have established a link between depression and chronic inflammation. It is still unclear whether inflammation causes depression or vice versa. However, research shows that chronic inflammation and depression exacerbate each other. [72], [73]

It is believed that the antioxidants found in this spice may help relieve symptoms of depression by combating chronic inflammation. This has led to trials to determine if turmeric can actually help treat depression. Many of them are successful and of high quality, which opens the door for further research. [74]

In 2017, a study was conducted that showed that turmeric reduced the symptoms of depression. It has been effective on its own and when combined with another herb, saffron. [75]

The same was found in two different studies in 2014. [76], [77]

Depression is also associated with decreased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and shrinkage of the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain that plays an important role in learning and memory. Turmeric increases BDNF levels, potentially reversing some of these changes. [46]

There is also some evidence that brain neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine are stimulated. [47], [48]

12 Promotes weight loss

What is useful turmeric? How and why to take it?

Turmeric is very similar in its properties to ginger. She even has a second name – yellow ginger. It prevents the formation of fatty tissues. This plant has been successfully used to reduce excess weight and quickly treat obesity. This effect is achieved due to the fact that turmeric puts the metabolism in order. It should be noted that the addition of turmeric to food contributes to greater calorie burning, removing excess water from the body, improving blood circulation, and all this helps to reduce weight.

Similarly, an animal study showed that administration of yellow spice extract to mice for 12 weeks reduced body weight and body fat by blocking fat synthesis. [59]

On the subject: 13 effective spices for weight loss

13 For any skin disease

  1. Gives radiance to the skin. Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components. It provides radiance, luster and protection to the skin. Fights free radicals and reduces inflammation.

    Try this turmeric face mask at home:

    • Mix a small amount of Greek yogurt, honey and turmeric together and apply on your face. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.

      The results will be noticeable after 3 masks – inflammation will subside, the complexion will even out. If desired, honey can be replaced with almond oil or aloe juice.

    Another recipe – body scrub:

    • For this remedy, you will need half a glass of sugar, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, and a few drops of any essential oil. All components are mixed to a thick homogeneous consistency.

    During the adoption of water procedures, it is necessary to massage the skin with this scrub. But you should not apply this scrub to damaged areas of the body. This tool gives a good effect – exfoliates dead skin cells, smoothes, perfectly moisturizes the skin.

  2. Can heal wounds. Heals wounds by reducing inflammation and oxidative processes in the body. This leads to faster wound healing. Studies have shown that turmeric has a positive effect on skin tissue and collagen production.

  3. Helps with psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin and joints that is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Turmeric is believed to inhibit the immune pathways responsible for psoriasis.

  4. Scleroderma. Scleroderma causes the immune system to attack healthy connective tissue, resulting in scarring. This scarring usually occurs under the skin and around internal organs and blood vessels.

    It is believed that the positive effect of turmeric on scarring will help to cope with the effects of scleroderma.

  5. Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a condition that causes depigmentation of the skin, resulting in white patches of skin. In some cases, turmeric can prevent the oxidative process in the epidermal skin cells that are responsible for producing melanin.

  6. Helps with acne. Try a turmeric face mask to reduce acne and any subsequent acne scars. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric soothe the skin and unclog pores. And turmeric is also known to reduce scarring. This combination helps to get rid of acne.

    Anti-inflammatory mask:

    • To do this, mix turmeric powder with boiled water and stir until a thick homogeneous mass. This mixture should be applied to the face pointwise. Such a paste will help with eczema, itching, furunculosis, eliminate black spots and open the sweat glands.

  7. With scabies. In an early study in India, a combination of turmeric and neem, a plant native to India, was effective in treating scabies.

    *Scabies is a condition caused by microscopic mites that leave a rash on the skin.

  8. For burns. With burns, turmeric will also have a healing effect. To do this, add aloe juice to the paste with turmeric. This will soothe burned skin.

  9. Other dermatological diseases. There aren’t enough studies to provide conclusive evidence of how turmeric can help with other skin conditions. However, it is supposed to help with eczema, alopecia, lichen planus, and other skin problems.

14 Extends life

Restrains aging and fights age-related chronic diseases. If turmeric prevents heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s, then it obviously promotes longevity. For this reason, it is often recommended as an anti-aging supplement.  [49]

Given that oxidation and inflammation are thought to play a role in aging, yellow spice can be used for much more than just preventing certain diseases. [50]

On the subject: 9 Ways to Improve Your Body’s Natural Cleansing ➤

Garlic + ginger + turmeric

What is useful turmeric? How and why to take it?

To prevent viral infections, it is not necessary to purchase expensive pharmaceutical preparations. All the ingredients for creating an antiviral agent are at hand – these are garlic, ginger and turmeric. These can be used in a variety of ways.

Recipe #1:

  1. Grate ginger on a fine grater.

  2. Cut the garlic.

  3. Mix the products, add turmeric to them.

You need to take the mixture 1 spoon in the morning and evening.

Recipe #2:

  1. Bring a liter of water to a boil.

  2. Mix 2 tsp. turmeric with 1,5 tsp. fresh ginger and 2 finely chopped garlic cloves. Lemon juice can be added if desired.

  3. Pour the mixture with boiling water, let it brew.

Drink this tea several times a day. It is especially useful during a massive rise in the incidence of SARS and influenza.

Turmeric + lemon. With lemon and turmeric, you can make a healthy drink that will stimulate the immune system and help the body better resist diseases. The spice effect is enhanced precisely by the addition of citrus.


  1. In a liter of water, dissolve 1-2 tbsp. l. turmeric.

  2. Cut into small slices 2-3 lemons.

  3. Bring water to a boil, add lemons.

To enhance the benefits of the drink, you can supplement it with honey and ginger.

Cover + turmeric. Cinnamon with turmeric helps to get rid of excess weight. Spices contain substances that help control blood sugar levels. They do not allow excess glucose to be transformed into body fat.

The recipe can be enhanced by adding ginger and honey to the mixture.

Other Uses for Turmeric

Turmeric is a mild spice that adds flavor to many sweet and savory dishes.

You can add turmeric to your diet in a variety of ways:

  • Add turmeric powder to scrambled eggs;

  • Add color and flavor to rice by adding a teaspoon of turmeric before cooking;

  • Use turmeric for vegetable stew;

  • Add turmeric to smoothies or kefir.

Best for flavor, add just 1 teaspoon of turmeric. To enhance the taste of turmeric, you can add one more spoon.

Face and hair masks

What is useful turmeric? How and why to take it?

Hair mask recipes:

  1. To get rid of dandruff. In a deep plate, mix the onion and egg yolk, add turmeric and red pepper to them. Apply the prepared composition to the hair roots, leave for 45 minutes, then rinse.

  2. To strengthen the roots. Combine honey, milk and turmeric. The composition is applied to the scalp, with gentle massaging movements. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off.

It is not for nothing that turmeric is considered a female spice, because a large number of cosmetics can be made from it. Since this spice has bactericidal properties, it is used in many masks to treat skin inflammation. Also, with the help of these masks, the effect of light lifting is achieved, blood flow is ensured. You can cook several recipes for masks.

Rejuvenating mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric with 1 teaspoon of milk, add the same amount of honey, mix all the ingredients thoroughly, and apply on a clean face for half an hour. It is better to make this mask in the evening before going to bed and apply with a cosmetic brush. The results will be noticeable after 3 masks – inflammation will subside, the complexion will even out. If desired, honey can be replaced with almond oil or aloe juice.

Anti-inflammatory mask for problem skin. To prepare this mask, 1 tablespoon of black clay must be added to a small amount of water, then put the same amount of turmeric. The mask should be applied to the skin and kept for 15 minutes, then removed with water. The procedure is recommended to be carried out no more than 4 times a week with a course of 8 times.

Body exfoliant. For this remedy, you will need half a glass of sugar, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, and a few drops of any essential oil. All components are mixed to a thick homogeneous consistency. During the adoption of water procedures, it is necessary to massage the skin with this scrub. But you should not apply this scrub to damaged areas of the body. And this tool gives a good effect – exfoliates dead skin cells, smoothes, perfectly moisturizes.

Turmeric for weight loss

What is useful turmeric? How and why to take it?

Turmeric is very similar in its properties to ginger. She even has a second name – yellow ginger. Especially this plant is very useful for women, as it is used for cosmetic purposes to treat skin diseases. But its main advantage is that turmeric is useful for weight loss.

It prevents the formation of adipose tissue, has been successfully used to reduce excess weight and quickly treat obesity. This effect is achieved due to the fact that turmeric puts the metabolism in order. It should be noted that the addition of turmeric to food contributes to greater calorie burning and the important removal of excess water from the human body, improves blood circulation, and all this helps to reduce weight.

Recipe. To get rid of excess weight, smoothies are prepared based on turmeric, yogurt, honey and fruits (orange and banana). All components are passed through a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass. Use smoothies 1 time per day, until the desired result is achieved. After losing weight, you can continue to take smoothies to fix the weight.

Turmeric Contraindications

Contraindications as such have not been identified. But you should consult your doctor if you:

  • pregnant;

  • Have gallstones, biliary obstruction, or other bile duct dysfunction;

  • Have kidney stones;

  • You suffer from poor blood clotting;

  • You suffer from diabetes;

  • Have iron deficiency anemia;

  • Have low blood pressure.

What happens if you use turmeric every day?

What happens if you eat turmeric every day for a month:

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