Although they say that the British invented oatmeal for breakfast, one can argue with that. Especially when you consider that in modern Britain, breakfast looks very different. To eat a portion of such porridge with honey and fruit, or simply cooked in milk, they love very much here. Whatever it was, and whoever instilled this tradition – eating oatmeal for breakfast is very healthy, ask any nutritionist.
– Oatmeal contains vitamins B, E, K and trace elements such as zinc, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iron;
– This porridge has a beneficial effect on digestion and intestines, and the reason for this is the huge amount of fiber;
– Oatmeal is considered a beauty porridge because its composition is good for the skin, hair and bones;
– Because of its “slimy” consistency, it cleanses our body of toxins like a brush and has an antimicrobial effect;
– And the main plus in oatmeal is complex carbohydrates, which, without feeling of heaviness, will saturate you for a long period of time.