Even in the ancient era, sea buckthorn was one of the most effective medicines – it has wound-healing properties, which helped a lot during the bloody wars. To this day, sea buckthorn is loved to use for the prevention of various diseases and to maintain the body as a whole.
Sea buckthorn is rich in vitamins C, A, B, E, K, folic acid, tannins and organic acids. The bark of the sea buckthorn tree contains serotonin-the hormone of happiness.
Here are the main facts that indicate the benefits of sea buckthorn:
- Sea buckthorn contains omega-7 fatty acids and can significantly reduce appetite.
- Sea buckthorn in the composition of the compress can significantly reduce the manifestations of rheumatism and relieve pain.
- This berry is a fighter against infections and inflammations, it is used for wound healing.
- Sea buckthorn improves vision and is used in medicine as part of medicines for the treatment of the cornea, especially for its burns.
- Sea buckthorn berries are useful in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, both acute and chronic. They improve the condition of the mucous membrane, promote the healing of ulcers and relieve inflammation.
- Due to the high content of vitamin C in sea buckthorn, it is a powerful antioxidant and neutralizes free radicals in the body.
- Sea buckthorn berries significantly slow down the aging process – for this, the berry should be consumed orally and cosmetics based on it should be used.
- Sea buckthorn is an effective remedy for the treatment of gout – both the berries and the leaves of this plant remove oxalic and uric acids from the body.
- Sea buckthorn jam will certainly appeal to asthmatics, especially since this berry is especially useful for them – it restores the work of the respiratory tract.
- Sea buckthorn fights a rash that affects the skin – from chickenpox to acne. Sea buckthorn oil is especially effective in this case.
- Scientists have noticed that the constant use of sea buckthorn can improve the movement of lymph, thereby significantly increasing the body’s resistance to external viruses and infections.
- Sea buckthorn is an assistant for women in the treatment of gynecological problems, as well as the genitourinary system.
- Sea buckthorn berries help to improve mood and calm the nervous system, as well as stimulate the brain.
- Sea buckthorn is used in the treatment of sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis – for this, inhalations are made based on infusions and decoctions of this berry.
- Sea buckthorn is also used for the treatment of the cardiovascular system, since its berries strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
- Sea buckthorn juice, in addition to strengthening the immune system, saturates the body with the necessary vitamins.
- Sea buckthorn is used in the treatment of liver obesity – a common symptom today.
- Sea buckthorn berries are effective in the treatment of burns, including radiation exposure.
- Sea buckthorn stimulates cell renewal and improves tissue metabolism.
- Sea buckthorn reduces the risk of cancer formation. To do this, you can brew tea based on sea buckthorn berries, as well as leaves and bark.