What is useful basil for the human body

Africa is considered the homeland of the common basil. But its real origin is unknown, since basil began to be eaten several centuries before our era. There is a version that the soldiers of Alexander the Great brought it to Europe. Pepper was not yet known in those days. But fragrant basil, mixed with other herbs, successfully replaced the missing spice.

What is useful basil for the human body

What does basil look like?

The genus of basils includes more than one species, but in conversation they usually mean only fragrant basil. This is the main spice used in food. Violet (purple), red or green fragrant basil is much less commonly mentioned, although they are also used in cooking or to decorate a dish.

Fragrant basil has other names:

  • ordinary;
  • garden;
  • camphor.

This type of plant received the last prefix for the high content of essential oils, including camphor.

What is useful basil for the human body


Common basil has a branching root system very close to the surface. 4-sided stem 50-70 cm high, with many leaves, which are used in cooking. Leaves with short petioles, oblong-ovate. There are sparse teeth on the edges. The entire plant, including leaves, stem and calyx, is covered with hairs. Flowers may be white or pale pink. Sometimes purple. They grow from the axils of the apical leaves. Dark brown fruits-nuts are very small: the weight of 1000 seeds is 0,5-0,8 g. Germination is maintained for 4-5 years.

What is useful basil for the human body

What is regan

The etymology of the word “basil” is not known for certain. Other common names for this plant:

  • fragrant cornflowers;
  • basil;
  • rean
  • Reagan;
  • Reyhan.

The first name is logical from the point of view of the -speaking consumer, but the rest of the words clearly came from other languages. Thus, there is no difference between basil and regan.

Important! Of all the types of regan, only a few types of basil are edible.

What is useful basil for the human body

Difference Between Basil Green and Purple

Green basil differs from purple in that the former is preferred to be eaten in European countries. On the territory of the CIS, they prefer the purple version. Some find that purple basil has a more pronounced taste and smell. Other gardeners have the exact opposite opinion.

The habit of attributing super-healing properties to an unusual color has led to the fact that purple basil is also invented something that it never had. The situation is about the same as at the dawn of the appearance of chicken eggs with brown shells. At that time, it was believed that such eggs were healthier than white ones. Then the fashion went down.

The situation is similar with the purple basil plant: there are benefits, but the harm can be much higher. In Europe, any basil is treated with caution, and the purple species is grown only for Our Country. This attitude of Europeans to spices is justified: the plant is able to accumulate mercury. And the purple version accumulates its maximum amount even when grown on the same bed with green.

What is useful basil for the human body

Differences between red and green basil

The red variety does not exist in nature. So, loosely referring to the names of flowers, they call the purple / purple variety of the plant. While the plant is young, its leaves are green in color. With age, they gain color. Therefore, whether purple basil will be red or purple depends solely on its age.

What is useful basil for the human body

What is the difference between oregano and basil

The fashionable foreign name “oregano” hides under itself … oregano. Both plants have only one thing in common: they are used as spices.



Lamiaceae family

Род Origanum

Rod Ócimum

Only perennials

There are both perennial and annual plants.

Not widely used as a garden crop

Grown as a garden crop

They are almost never used fresh, except for decoctions.

Often used fresh in salads

Able to tolerate frosts down to -15 degrees

Southern thermophilic plants that do not tolerate frost

Healing properties officially recognized by medicine

Healing properties exist only in traditional medicine and advertising descriptions

Medicinal properties and contraindications of green basil

Official medicine knows nothing about the medicinal properties of a plant of any variety. Therefore, we can only talk about the use of this plant in folk recipes. In folk medicine, this rather caustic and nasty herb is used almost as a panacea.

Important! Any spice in large quantities is poisonous.

This is what explains the specific and sharp taste and smell of any of the spices. In the process of evolution, spice plants have developed this way of protecting them from being eaten by animals. But one special “animal” appeared, called these plants spices and began to actively eat them. And even apply for treatment.

Diseases for which the infusion is used:

  • pyelitis;
  • colitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • gastritis;
  • neurosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • intestinal and hepatic colic;
  • flatulence;
  • low blood pressure;
  • lack of appetite;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • cystitis;
  • cold;
  • coryza;
  • angina;
  • stomatitis;
  • fever.

The list of ailments that an infusion of this plant “cures” alone shows that it has a placebo effect at best. At worst, the disease will go into a chronic stage. The decoction is used externally as an anesthetic for toothache and stomatitis, and is also used for lotions for difficult-to-heal wounds.

Important! Even simple water can perform the latter function, which will not allow the secretions to dry out and allow pus to flow freely from the wound.

In all these cases, an attempt to be treated with the help of basil will be more likely to harm. Due to the high content of mercury, the reaction of the body when eating grass can be poisoning. There are real contraindications, which even traditional medicine recognizes.

What is useful basil for the human body

basil juice

There is no harm from basil juice, but the benefits are about the same as from the plantain leaf. In folk medicine, lotions are made from the juice of the plant for eczema and difficult-to-heal wounds. It is also used for inflammation of the middle ear.

When not to eat basil

Like pepper, basil in large quantities irritates various organs. It should not be used for the following diseases:

  • ischemia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes.

With such contraindications, basil is not a useless and poisonous herb. A large amount of essential oils can really help in eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

What is useful basil for the human body

Benefits of Basil

With all the doubtfulness of the plant as a panacea for all diseases, the benefits of basil for the human body really exist. Aromatic oil is more often used, although a fresh plant can also be used for baths. Basil oil tones and softens the skin. Therefore, it is often used in beauty salons for the preparation of aromatic baths.

Camphor oil, also found in the plant, is used as a general tonic, to support the central nervous system, in circulatory disorders and in difficult breathing.

Important! When dried, a significant amount of aromatic oils evaporate.

What is useful basil for the human body

Useful properties of basil and contraindications for women

A fresh plant contains a large amount of vitamins, which should have a positive effect on the female body. Also, traditional medicine believes that this plant increases the secretion of breast milk.

But official medicine is sure that not only pregnant women, but women of childbearing age in general should not eat foods high in mercury. Such products include not only long-lived tuna fish, but also basil. But soaking in a bath with a few drops of oil is good for any woman.

Useful properties of basil and contraindications for men

From the point of view of purely masculine qualities, basil is a useless herb. It is not an aphrodisiac. In other cases, you can take the above diseases. Those men who suffer from hypertension should not use basil.

What is useful basil for the human body

How to eat green basil

When eating herbs, you need to remember that this is a seasoning, and not an edible garden crop. Due to the high content of mercury in the plant, the body must be accustomed to the use of this plant gradually. An adult should start with 1 sheet. Children are given half a sheet. The maximum single dose of this plant is 3 leaves for an adult. They are finely chopped into a salad or other dishes. In combination with rosemary, you can get a peppery smell, and basil with savory makes the dish spicier in taste. But spices should not be abused.

What is useful basil for the human body


Dried basil is a common seasoning for various dishes. It is often used in sets of special mixtures for various dishes. But dry basil loses a significant part of the aromatic oils and is almost not felt in the dish.

What is useful basil for the human body


Finely chopped fresh basil leaves are added to this dish. They will shade the taste of the salad and give it a sharpness. But it is important not to overdo it with this spice.


Tea with basil can be of 2 types: regular tea with a spice leaf or a drink made only from herbs. In the latter case, the hot drink is called decoction.

A hot drink warms well after a frost outside, but if you need to make summer lemonade, then the recipe changes a little. For better thirst quenching, lemon is added to the decoction or tea. The drink is cooled and drunk.

What is useful basil for the human body

Basil for weight loss

Neither a fresh plant nor a dried seasoning for weight loss is used. The people of Thailand believe that a drink made from basil seeds has beneficial properties and promotes weight loss. Making the drink is easy. If, for some reason, a plant in the garden has bloomed, and its leaves can no longer be used as a seasoning, the seeds will correct the situation.

Collect them directly in inflorescences. After the inflorescences lose their color, and black seeds become visible inside, the flower stalks are cut off entirely and dried indoors. If you leave the seeds in the garden, a significant part of them will be lost.

What is useful basil for the human body

Drink with basil seeds

Most often, lemon basil seeds are used for these purposes. A glass of drink needs 1 tsp. seeds. They are filled with cold water. There is an opinion that carbonated is better, but while the seeds swell, a significant part of the carbon dioxide will evaporate, and carbonated lemonade will still not work.

Seeds insist 30 minutes. Nuts are covered with a protective film, which during this time becomes jelly-like. Lemon and ice are added to the drink. You can add honey, but this is to taste.

Whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of such a drink is a moot point. Only one thing can be confidently stated: if you have a drink made from basil seeds for breakfast, work hard physical work all day, and have dinner with a handful of rice in the evening, then weight loss is guaranteed.

What is useful basil for the human body

Basil in facial cosmetology

The high content of essential oils makes basil a very effective remedy for improving facial skin. A decoction of the leaves relieves inflammation from the skin of the face. A mask of fresh crushed leaves whitens the skin. Basil is also good at clearing the skin of blackheads, pimples and blackheads.

Important! Not so long ago, lead white was used to whiten the skin, which led to severe poisoning and even death.

What is useful basil for the human body

How to grow green basil

Sweet basil is often grown as a vegetable crop. This is an undemanding plant. It grows well both on window sills and in open ground. Although due to planting in the northern regions, the grass does not grow into a large bush, remaining about 20 cm high.

Seedlings are planted for seedlings in March. It is better to place them in individual containers, as the plant is tender and does not tolerate picking very well.

They are planted in open ground when the night temperature exceeds + 10 ° C. You can plant in the greenhouse earlier.

Important! Planted next to tomatoes, basil repels pests from tomatoes.

The soil for planting must be fertile. But then caring for the plant consists in carefully removing weeds and watering.

How green basil blooms

The plant blooms in June-August. Most of the flowers appear in July. From the axils of the apical leaves, the plant throws out flower stalks, on which two-lipped flowers develop. The lower lobe of the flower is bent back and longer than the others. The remaining 4 are fused together and form the upper lip. The corolla is tubular.

Flowers are collected in 6-10 pieces in whorls of irregular shape. As a result, flowers sit on a peduncle in several “floors”. This form of flowering makes it very easy to collect seeds for a drink or further sowing. Seeds do not need to be collected, it is enough to cut off the entire peduncle and then, in convenient conditions, shake out the nuts on a clean, light cloth.

What is useful basil for the human body


Basil can and should be eaten. It is only important to observe the measure so that it gives the food a flavor, and does not turn into poison.

We plant the basil correctly, then it will rise quickly

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