What is TPP technique and how to perform it correctly?

Hello! The Emotional Freedom Technique originates from Chinese medicine and is focused on helping a person get rid of illnesses, fears, unpleasant feelings and beliefs that prevent them from achieving what they want and living to the fullest.

History of occurrence

In the early 1980s, psychologist Roger Callahan created a technique called Mind Field Therapy. A girl came to see him with a phobia of water. And it doesn’t matter if it’s drizzling outside, or it comes from a tap.

This brought a lot of difficulties to the life of the patient. She practically did not leave the house, could not monitor hygiene, since even the thought of taking a shower caused stress.

Having tried various techniques to deal with fears, Roger experienced impotence. Because there were no results at all.

Then he ventured to make an experiment: he continued to carry out psychotherapeutic work, while pressing on certain points on the girl’s body. This helped so much that after a while she was completely freed from hydrophobia.

But in the 1990s, Gary Craig, a student of Callahan’s, slightly changed the Mind Field Therapy technique, calling the new version the Emotional Freedom Technique.

He decided to make radical changes because he considered Roger’s method difficult enough for self-healing. Craig wanted people to be able to help themselves cope with their worries and ailments anytime, anywhere.

General information

The abbreviation for TES in English sounds like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). And it consists in pushing with the fingers of certain points on the body, which are usually used for treatment with the help of acupuncture.

You can even say that this is not so much punching as tapping, easy and painless. At the same time, it is necessary to think about changes in well-being, as if setting yourself up for the expected result. That is, using the methods of neurolinguistic programming. You will learn more about it from this article.

And although EFT was originally conceived to get rid of phobias and unpleasant emotions, you can use it in all areas of life. Even as a «magic wand» for the fulfillment of desires.

Let’s say you want to earn $500. It is clear that they will not fall from the sky and the salary will not increase dramatically many times over. But you can get rid of beliefs that limit and prevent you from reaching your goal.

There is such a thing as negative thinking, when a person is not only in a pessimistic mood, but also does not notice something good that is happening around him. Does not recognize its capabilities and resources, preferring to focus only on weaknesses and disadvantages.

If you are prone to this self-deprecating type of thinking, I suggest you read the article, which is located here.

Most often, this technique is used to get rid of depression or post-traumatic disorder, which is usually observed in war veterans, victims of violence, disasters, and so on. Also to improve vision, reduce anxiety, pain, resolve conflict situations, and so on.

Step by step guide

1 stage

Problem definition. Think about what exactly bothers you, what you want to get, or what to get rid of. And try to form this desire or problem into one phrase. Only at the end it should be added that you accept yourself as you are.

For example, even though I’m afraid of heights, I love and accept myself.


It is important in the process of so-called programming to focus on only one problem. Phrases can be rearranged, the main thing is that the theme does not change.

Avoid using the particle not, since our subconscious disposition is in such a way that it does not take it into account. Why do we unconsciously harm ourselves, tuning in advance to a negative result.

What is TPP technique and how to perform it correctly?

2 stage

Definition of complexity. Try to establish how strong your emotion, problem, and so on. Intensity is recommended to be determined on a scale from 0 to 10.

This is necessary so that you can find out the effectiveness of the work and the technique itself. Therefore, mentally put a dot on the scale at the beginning of the exercise, and always at the end.

If in the end you are not satisfied with the result, repeat the entire cycle from the very beginning. This will reduce the intensity by a few more bars. Or increase, depending on the task.

3 stage

Dots. As you already know, you need to click on certain points, tap on them and at the same time repeat the previously formed phrase. There are approximately 7 repetitions per point, at least they should not be less than 6 and more than 10.


Karate point (KS) — the edge of the palm;

Crown (TON);

Eyebrows (EB) — the very beginning of the eyebrow;

Eyes (SE) — in the area of ​​​​the outer corner of the eye, where wrinkles are located, the so-called «crow’s feet»;

Under the eyes (UE) — the bone under the eye;

Under the nose (UN) — above the upper lip and tip of the nose;

Chin (CH) — between the chin and the lower lip;

Clavicles (CB) — the area where the first rib, collarbones and chest are located;

Solar plexus (UA)


TPP technology is universal. Apply it outdoors, at home, in the office… Work on yourself and don’t stop there! And also subscribe to site updates, share links with friends!

Also, we recommend reading an article about the Wim Hof ​​method. With this technique, you will forget about diseases forever.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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