Frau Zaurich played at first without thinking, but got a checkmate and began to think over every move.
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Ethel was not taught to think, now she will have to pay dearly for it.
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It seemed to Vien that her daughter, Anouk, was on the burning barge. Feelings took possession of her, she lost the ability to think and began to behave inappropriately.
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How to formulate what it is to think? I thought about it, looked for answers and returned to the formulations for more than a decade. How will I answer this question today? Probably so…
To think is to stop oneself in the fuss of flickering thoughts and to ask oneself, first of all, important questions. For example, to the most seemingly obvious things, ask questions: “Why is this so?”. Regarding what everyone believes thoughtlessly, ask questions “What are the reasons for thinking so?” To think is not to respond with a flash of emotion or a spontaneous reaction, but to stop, find several options for behavior, imagine their consequences, compare them with your goals — and make the best decision … This is the ability to competently manage your resources, organize your thinking, memory and attention. To think is to live not by the flow of desire and not by the hydraulics of needs, not by the principle “because”, but by goals and values, always asking the question “Why? For what? In the name of what?» Thinking means consciously, that is, turning on the mind and attention, actively and independently solving life or situational problems.
In the language of perceptual positions, this is an exit to the fourth position, where everything that happens is considered systematically.
Thinking is an ability that is developed to varying degrees in different people. Some people can think quickly and deeply, others slowly and short-sightedly… However, in order to live in the modern world, it is no longer necessary to think. You can do as they say, and it will be fine. You can live with feelings, without a head at all, and in many situations this will be quite enough …
How much do people think?
People don’t always think, some don’t often. Bernard Shaw wrote: “Few think more than two or three times a year. I have become world famous for thinking once or twice a week…” Perhaps this is an exaggeration, but before you laugh at it and put it aside, it’s worth thinking about it… Special studies on the question “how often do people think”, we unknown. According to expert estimates in the process of natural observation, most people act more often on the basis of automatisms and think hardly more than 5% of the time.
How do you know if a person is thinking or not? First of all, the expression of the eyes. When people turn on their heads, they have a special, attentive and meaningful look, it is quite possible to notice it. An additional feature is the quality of communication and activity. Aimless chatter and unaddressed, non-serving experiences are a sign of thoughtlessness. Accurate and deep questions, a qualitative analysis of what is happening, adequate conclusions are a sign that a person thought and knows how to think.
What stops you from thinking? On the surface are emotions and feelings. As soon as a person falls into feelings, the head usually turns off, there is nothing to think about. If you look deeper, it prevents you from thinking the lack of habit of doing this. If girls were not taught to think from childhood, it was enough for them to look attractive and chirp nicely, then such girls, having excellent intelligence, are not accustomed to think. At work, they think, because they are required to do so, but personal life is just beginning — the girl lives already without a head, lives with feelings …
For those who think it is wrong to live thoughtlessly, two things need to be developed: 1) the habit of turning on the head and 2) learning to think qualitatively. Unfortunately, the ability to think to a small extent develops at school and even in universities, so many people do not really know how to think. Moreover, when their head works very crookedly, it turns out to be a good enough (sometimes) solution to turn off the head and use more automatisms and feelings. The recommendation to “turn off your head” among some psychologists is very common, but making it a life strategy and teaching yourself to live thoughtlessly, without a head is wrong. It’s better to learn to think!
How to raise children so that they can and love to think?
The method, oddly enough, is simple (but only for smart parents). First, set an example for children: think for yourself, do it more often, out loud and with pleasure. Secondly, to talk to children, to acquaint them with the world, to ask children questions and to teach children to ask questions themselves — and to ask questions. Next — to teach children to obey on the principle of «It is said and done»: so that later, when they themselves command themselves, they will already carry out their own tasks. To accustom to the format: bodily composure and not to make a fool out of yourself (a meaningless look when the brains are turned off is just about a fool). Also here — to hear what they say to you, so that later an adult person in a conversation would answer the interlocutor, and not what suddenly occurred to him, Well, and accustom to attentiveness, cultivate the habit of doing and not being distracted, because a person who cannot to think out his own thought to the end (distracted, right?) — dangles in his thoughts, but does not think.
realistic program? How to do this specifically, see for example in the article “And what are we going to talk about today?”.