What is the yield of meat in pigs (in percent)

A livestock farmer needs to be able to determine the yield of pork meat from live weight in various ways. Its percentage depends on the breed, age, feeding. The slaughter weight of a pig helps to pre-calculate the profit of the farm, determine the profitability of production, and adjust feeding rates.

What is the yield of meat in pigs (in percent)

Average pig weight at slaughter

Age, breed, diet of the animal directly affect the mass. To determine the time of slaughter, the estimated slaughter weight of the pig, the health of the animal and the preparation of the feeding ration, it is necessary to be able to correctly determine the weight of the animal.

Representatives of the Great White breed in adulthood reach impressive sizes: a wild boar – 350 kg, a pig – 250 kg. The Mirgorod breed is smaller, individuals rarely reach 250 kg.

The Vietnamese boar weighs 150 kg, the pig weighs 110 kg.

The increase in weight gain of a piglet depends on the correct composition of the diet, the quality of the feed, and the time of year. The mass of the animal increases in the spring, when healthy greens are added to high-calorie feeds. The indicator is affected by the fatness of the pig, which is represented by five categories:

  • first – young growth of bacon type, up to 8 months, weighing 100 kg;
  • second – young meat, up to 150 kg, gilts – 60 kg;
  • third – fatty individuals without age restrictions with a fat thickness of 4,5 cm;
  • fourth – sows and hogs and heavier than 150 kg, whose fat thickness is 1,5 – 4 cm;
  • fifth – milk pigs (4 – 8 kg).

Weight gain largely depends on the diet, the addition of vitamins to pig feed, and the conditions of detention. With a balanced and caloric diet, by six months the animal can gain 120 kg. This weight gives a high slaughter yield in pigs.

What is the yield of meat in pigs (in percent)

How much does a boar weigh

Adult boars weigh more than pigs. The difference is 100 kg. Average values ​​of different breeds of adult boars (in kg):

  • Mirgorodskaya – 250, at breeding enterprises – 330;
  • Lithuanian white – 300;
  • Livenskaya – 300;
  • Latvian white – 312;
  • Kemerovo – 350;
  • Kalikinskaya – 280;
  • Landrace – 310;
  • Large black – 300 – 350;
  • Large white – 280 – 370;
  • Duroc — 330 — 370;
  • Red belt — 300 — 340;
  • Estonian bacon — 320 – 330;
  • Welsh – 290 – 320;
  • Siberian northern – 315 – 360;
  • Ukrainian steppe white – 300 – 350;
  • North Caucasian – 300 – 350.

What is the yield of meat in pigs (in percent)

Weight of piglets before slaughter

The specific weight of the pig at different ages allows for the correction of the quality and quantity of feeding. For all breeds, there are average indicators of the mass of the animal. So, the Large White piglet is much heavier than the Asian herbivore. The weight of piglets, depending on age, has approximate values.

The indicator is influenced by the size of the farrowing of the sow. The more numerous it is, the lighter the piglets. The first month of weight gain depends on the milkiness of the pig. From the second month on, the growth of piglets is affected by the quality of nutrition.

Concentrated food promotes rapid weight gain. A diet based on grass, vegetables and fruits slows down the rate of increase in weight gain in pigs. When comparing the weight of a piglet with the standard values, it is necessary to take into account feeding information. Increase in weight gain of piglets by months (on average, in kg):

  • 1st – 11,6;
  • 2st – 24,9;
  • 3st – 43,4;
  • 4st – 76,9;
  • 5st – 95,4;
  • 6th – 113,7.

The error in the mass of Landrace, White large and other breeds that are not fattened before slaughter for more than six months is 10%.

What determines the lethal output

After the slaughter of the animal, part of the weight is lost due to the gutting of the carcass, bleeding, separation of the legs, skin, and head. The percentage of pork yield from live weight is called slaughter yield. The indicator is influenced by the type of animal, breed characteristics, age, fatness, gender. It is widely used to assess the quality of livestock. The yield of pork from the carcass depends quite critically on the accuracy of measuring live weight. If it is incorrectly determined, the error reaches large values.

What is the yield of meat in pigs (in percent)

So, the weight of a pig carcass fluctuates, depending on the time of weighing. In the steam state, it is 2-3% heavier than in the chilled state. The body tissues of a young animal contain more moisture than an adult, therefore, the loss of kilograms after slaughter in the first case is more significant.

The weight change is higher in fatty carcasses than in lean ones.

Product yield is affected by:

  • ration – weight gain from fiber is less than from feed of a dense consistency;
  • transportation – during the time of delivery to the slaughterhouse, animals become lighter by 2% due to stress;
  • lack of feeding – before slaughter, 3% of the mass is lost in 24 hours without food, since the body spends energy on mobilizing vital functions.

What is the yield of meat in pigs (in percent)

Slaughter yield of pig meat

Slaughter yield in pigs is 70 – 80%. It is equal to the ratio of carcass weight to live weight, expressed as a percentage. The slaughter weight of pigs includes the carcass with the head, skin, fat, without legs, bristles and internal organs, excluding kidneys and kidney fat.

Calculation example:

  • With a live weight of a pig of 80 kg, carcasses without legs and offal (excluding kidneys) – 56 kg, the slaughter yield is: 56 / 80 = 0,7, which is equal to 70% as a percentage;
  • With live weight – 100 kg, slaughter – 75 kg, the yield is: 75 / 100 u0,75d 75 uXNUMXd XNUMX%;
  • With a live weight of 120 kg and a carcass of 96 kg, the yield is: 96/120 = 0,8 = 80%.

Judging by the indicator, raising pigs is more profitable than cattle and sheep. The output of products, in comparison with other animals, is 25% more. This is possible due to the low bone content. Cattle have 2,5 times more of them than pigs.

The slaughter yield in farmed animals is:

  • cattle – 50 – 65%;
  • sheep – 45 – 55%;
  • rabbits – 60 – 62%;
  • bird – 75 – 85%.

How much does a pork carcass weigh

In a pig, the yield of meat, fat, offal depends on the breed, age, and weight of the animal itself.

All bred breeds are divided into three groups:

  • Bacon: Pietrain, Duroc, quickly gaining kilograms with a slow build-up of fat and a fast build-up of muscles; have a long body, massive hams;
  • sebaceous: Hungarian, Mangalitsa, have a wide body, heavy front, meat – 53%, fat – 40%;
  • Meat: Livenskaya, Large White – universal breeds.

When the live weight of a pig reaches one hundred or more kilograms, the slaughter yield is 70-80%. The composition, in addition to meat, includes about 10 kg of bones, 3 kg of waste, 25 kg of fat.

Internal weight

The mass of liver products depends on the age of the pig, its breed, size. For a carcass of 100 kg, it is (in kg):

  • heart – 0,32;
  • lungs – 0,8;
  • kidneys – 0,26;
  • liver – 1,6.

The percentage of viscera in relation to the total slaughter yield is:

  • heart – 0,3%;
  • lungs – 0,8%;
  • kidneys – 0,26%;
  • liver – 1,6%.

What is the percentage of meat in a pig

After the slaughter of the pig, the carcasses are divided into half carcasses or quarters. Further, they are divided into cuts, deboning, trimming, stripping.

Deboning is the processing of half carcasses and quarters, in which muscle, fat, and connective tissues are separated from the bones. After it, there is practically no meat on the bones.

Zhylovka – separation of tendons, films, cartilage, remaining bones.

On different parts of half-carcasses, the yield of pork meat after deboning is of different quality. This is the peculiarity of the procedure. So, when deboning the brisket, back, shoulder blades, meat of lower grades is cut than from other parts. This is due to the large number of veins and cartilage. Zhilovka provides, in addition to further cleaning, the final sorting of pork. It is divided into muscle groups, cut lengthwise into kilogram pieces, and the connective tissue is separated from them.

When a carcass is taken as one hundred percent after slaughter, the yield rates for deboning pork are:

  • meat – 71,1 – 62,8%;
  • fat – 13,5 – 24,4%;
  • bones – 13,9 – 11,6%;
  • tendons and cartilage – 0,6 – 0,3%;
  • losses – 0,9%.

How much pure meat is in a pig

Pork is divided into five categories:

  • the first is bacon, the animals are specially fattened, there are layers of fatty and highly developed muscle tissue;
  • the second – meat, carcasses of young animals (40 – 85 kg), bacon thickness – 4 cm belong to it;
  • the third is fatty pork, fat is more than 4 cm;
  • the fourth – raw materials for industrial processing, carcasses heavier than 90 kg;
  • the fifth is piglets.

What is the yield of meat in pigs (in percent)

Fourth, fifth categories: pork frozen several times, products obtained from boars are not allowed for sale. The yield of pork cuts to carcass weight is 96%.

The output from a pig of meat, fat and other components with a live weight of 100 kg is (in kg):

  • internal fat – 4,7;
  • head – 3,6;
  • legs – 1,1;
  • meat – 60;
  • ears – 0,35;
  • trachea – 0,3;
  • stomach – 0,4;
  • liver – 1,2;
  • language – 0,17;
  • brains – 0,05;
  • heart – 0,24;
  • kidneys – 0,2;
  • light – 0,27;
  • cut-off is 1,4.

How much meat is in a pig weighing 100 kg

When slaughtering pigs that have gained 100 kg, the yield is 75%. Carcasses with a high percentage of bacon are obtained as a result of fattening hybrids of three breeds: Landrace, Duroc, Large White. Bacon meat is rich in muscle tissue, thin bacon. It ripens on the 5th – 7th day after slaughter, when its nutritional value becomes maximum, and its properties are optimal for further processing. After 10 – 14 days it is the most tender and juicy. The average weight of half carcasses is 39 kg, the fat has a thickness of 1,5 – 3 cm. The percentage of pure meat yield from a pig carcass:

  • carbonate – 6,9%;
  • scapula – 5,7%;
  • brisket – 12,4%;
  • hip part – 19,4%;
  • neck part – 5,3%.


The yield of pork meat from live weight is quite high – 70 – 80%. There is little waste after cutting, so the pig is beneficial for meat production. Thanks to the many breeds bred, it is possible to select individuals for breeding, unique in their properties, corresponding to market requirements, customer requests. When raising pigs, it is worth constantly monitoring weight gain and, if necessary, adjusting this with feed.




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