What is the USR examination?

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How is USR performed? How is it going? When should USR be performed? How should you prepare for the test? Is it possible to clearly diagnose syphilis during the examination? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

How is the USR examination performed?

Hello and welcome. I would like to ask what it is USR examination? My question is quite embarrassing for me, so I would like to get a reliable answer. It happened to me some time ago unprotected sexual intercourse. I am taking contraceptive pills, but there is always a risk of STDs, and unfortunately there is a concern that this is what has happened to me. I was at the gynecologist and he noticed a strange rash that I didn’t even notice myself about. After informing about this fact, he stated that there was a risk of syphilis, so it is worth having a USR test and I was referred for it.

But I have no idea what an ultrasound scan is, and I was too stressed to ask the doctor exactly. I would like to know how USR is underway and is there really an indication for me to do it? Should I be specially prepared for the USR examination? And if so, what should it look like? preparation for USR? And the last point – will the USR test diagnose syphilis with certainty? If in the USR examination it turns out that I do not have syphilis, will I be able to be sure that I am fine?

Information on the USR examination and syphilis

USR, i.e. unheated serum reagin test is a screening test for syphilis spirochete, as are tests such as VDRL and RPR. These three types of tests belong to the so-called cardiolipin reactions. This means that they do not directly detect the pathogen responsible for the disease, i.e. syphilis spirochete; they detect it indirectly by antibodies against spirochete antigens circulating in the blood. It is very sensitive, but it is not highly specific. This means that the test can detect almost all cases of syphilis, but if it is positive it does not mean that it is 100% syphilis.

False positive USR test it may occur in such cases as: pregnancy, infection, e.g. viral, HBV and HCV, EBV, tuberculosis; systemic diseases, e.g. systemic lupus erythematosus, cardiolipin syndrome, collagen diseases, multiple myeloma, lymphomas. Therefore, a positive USR result should ALWAYS be confirmed tetanus, e.g., FTA, FTA-ABS, TPHA, TPI or by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) methods. They involve finding the spirochete antigens of syphilis directly circulating in the blood, which is actually the spirochete itself.

If the results of both tests are positive, you should immediately see a doctor for treatment – it is quite simple, because the infection is treated with antibiotic therapy. After the treatment, the doctor will check its effectiveness by re-drawing blood for antigens for syphilis antigens – if it is negative, it means that the treatment has brought the expected results.

The second thing to do is inform all existing partners who may also have become infected or from whom we may have become infected. Complications of untreated syphilis are very seriousTherefore, do not be shy and contact your sexual partners immediately.

STDs are highly stigmatized, and the very little public awareness of them, and in particular the ignorance of the way in which they are transmitted, makes you feel very lonely in the diagnosis and treatment process.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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