What is the treatment of coronavirus in humans 2022
Depending on the severity of the disease, the patient is given symptomatic therapy and observation at home, or active treatment in a hospital using modern drugs and methods of therapy.

As with most viruses that cause acute respiratory infections, mild infections only resolve symptoms. If the patient has a high temperature, it is knocked down. For cough – antitussive drugs. From a cold – sprays. But with the appearance of alarming signs – shortness of breath, prolonged fever, a sharp deterioration in the condition, hospitalization is necessary with all types of therapy – etiotropic (aimed at the cause), as well as the fight against all symptoms and systemic inflammation1.

Where is coronavirus treated

Mild cases of infection are treated at home, under the supervision of a local doctor. Similarly, monitoring of contact persons, people with asymptomatic infection is carried out.

When alarming signs appear, especially among patients from risk groups, the issue of hospitalization in specialized infectious diseases hospitals is resolved2. If a patient has signs of respiratory failure, damage to the lungs, blood vessels, signs of an impending “cytokine storm” and comorbidities that can complicate the course of the disease, they require hospitalization in intensive care units, and sometimes in the intensive care unit.

Coronavirus Treatment Methods

Initially, there was little information about this infection. But it immediately became obvious that she belongs to the SARS group. Therefore, the basic recommendations were the same as for the treatment of influenza.

However, today adjustments have been made to the treatment regimens for coronavirus infection based on the data obtained during the period of the fight against the pandemic. They are reflected in the interim guidelines “Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)” dated May 7, 20213.

Compliance with quarantine

If you feel that you are getting sick (weakness, fever, cough, runny nose, headaches) – first of all, ensure yourself complete isolation. Stay home. Do not visit relatives and friends (especially if they are children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases). If relatives live with you, move to a separate room for a while. Or keep a distance of 1,5 m. Use individual utensils and hygiene products.

And be sure to call the doctor!

Treatment of symptoms

Since there are no specialized drugs for COVID-19 yet (various drugs are being studied), it is necessary to stop the symptoms and deal with the main mechanisms of the development of the pathology (pathogenetic treatment). Here are recommendations from Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine Zukhra Pavlova:

At a temperature. Aspirin. It is preferable to Paracetamol (Coldrex). Aspirin relieves systemic inflammation and thins the blood – this is important with coronavirus. Aspirin should be taken only at a high temperature, once a day, on a full stomach. Otherwise, you risk getting other problems, such as stomach ulcers.

When coughing. ACC (acetylcysteine).

Also, do not forget about Omega-3, vitamin C and adaptogens (lemongrass, echinacea, ginseng).

And, of course, as with any SARS or flu, drink more fluids: water, fruit drinks, compotes.

Subsequently, when knowledge about the coronavirus began to accumulate, the Russian Ministry of Health expanded its clinical recommendations.3.

How to treat mild coronavirus

– In case of a mild course of the disease, antiviral, immunomodulatory (interferon therapy), antipyretic and symptomatic therapy, as well as vitamins are prescribed, – says general practitioner, endocrinologist, cardiologist Alexey Zhito. – In moderate course, anticoagulant (blood-thinning) therapy is added. If there are signs of a bacterial infection, an antibiotic will be added to these regimens.

If a patient is diagnosed with pneumonia, then hormone therapy is prescribed to prevent the worsening of the condition and the development of an often fatal condition – a cytokine storm.

Patients with mild illness can be treated at home. However, you need to constantly monitor the symptoms.

“The new coronavirus infection is characterized by an unpredictable course,” recalls Doctor Alexey Zhito. – We were able to identify certain risk groups for severe course (old age, overweight and obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, oncology, etc.), however, people without these risk factors may have a severe course and death.

How to treat coronavirus at home

At home, a set of measures is used to combat the infection and its manifestations. According to the latest guidelines3 on an outpatient basis, the use of favipiravir, recombinant interferon alfa (IFN-α) for intranasal administration may be recommended. They must be applied no later than 7-8 days from the onset of the disease.

Symptomatic drugs are also used – antipyretics, vasoconstrictor drugs to combat a runny nose and nasal congestion, agents for thinning sputum and coughing. If there are signs of a microbial infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.4.

How to treat a cough with coronavirus

For the treatment of cough, which is usually dry with coronavirus, with difficult to separate sputum, drugs are used that suppress inflammation, swelling of the mucous membranes and thin, stimulate the expectoration of sputum (as the cough becomes wet). To reduce dry cough, you can use tablets or lozenges that soften the irritated throat, rinsing with decoctions of herbs and saline solutions, and plenty of warm drinks are useful.

With a wet cough, expectorants (Bromhexine) are needed, in the presence of viscous sputum that is difficult to discharge – mucolytics (acetylcysteine, Ambroxol).

It is useful to humidify the air and create coolness in the room.

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How to treat fever with coronavirus

Taking antipyretics is indicated for fever above 38,0 ° C, severe malaise to alleviate the condition. Paracetamol or ibuprofen is considered the drug of choice for lowering the temperature in this infection; in adults, Aspirin5.

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How to treat coronavirus without coughing

The principles for the treatment of coronavirus infection without coughing are defined in the guidelines of the ninth revision. The tactics of treatment is determined based on age, general condition, the presence of signs of respiratory failure and lesions of the respiratory tract, systemic inflammation3.

How to treat coronavirus without fever

Treatment of coronavirus infection without fever is carried out according to the principles of ARVI therapy, it can be carried out at home under the supervision of a local doctor.

How is Indian Coronavirus Treated?

Like all other strains of the virus, the tactics of managing patients with the presence of a new strain (Delta-coronavirus) is determined by the guidelines of the ninth revision. Treatment of the patient is carried out at home or in a hospital, depending on the severity of the condition.

How is the coronavirus caused by the Omicron strain treated?

The principles of treatment remain the same and include early antiviral therapy, hospitalization as the disease progresses.

But when infected with the Omicron variant, the likelihood of going to the hospital is lower. This is evidenced by the results of studies conducted by scientists at Imperial College London, and infectious disease specialists in South Africa, where this new strain was first identified.

Medicines from the coronavirus

The list of drugs used for infection is determined by the doctor.

With a mild infection, only symptomatic drugs are indicated, similar to those for SARS and influenza. In moderate forms, patients are prescribed anticoagulant therapy; if there is a threat of a secondary infection, antibiotics may be connected to oral hormonal preparations in a short course under the control of analyzes.

In severe cases, inpatient treatment includes oxygen support, drugs to suppress the cytokine storm, the use of hormonal therapy, and taking anticoagulants under the supervision of doctors.

Most recently, a drug against coronavirus “Mir 19” was registered in Russia. This is not an antiviral drug, but a means to prevent a cytokine storm that can kill a person. The creators of the drug note that the drug can be used against all variants of coronavirus, including the Omicron strain. The new drug will be used only in hospitals.

Antibiotics for coronavirus

Antibiotics are not prescribed to all patients with coronavirus, it is dangerous for the development of antibiotic resistance, and they do not affect the virus and the consequences of its stay in the body.

With the threat of a secondary infection, which is determined according to laboratory tests, doctors can include these drugs in therapy, selecting them according to sensitivity.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with an expert doctor-therapist Alexey Zhito questions regarding the treatment of coronavirus infection and the use of certain drugs.

Should Coronavirus Be Treated?

Yes, of course, all patients who have symptoms of coronavirus should be treated and under the supervision of a doctor. The virus, including its new strains, is unpredictable, and without adequate treatment, the disease can quickly become severe.

How many days are treated for coronavirus?

With a mild course, the infection lasts up to 7-14 days, with a severe course of the disease it can last up to 3-4 weeks, and subsequently it takes up to 2-3 months or more for recovery and rehabilitation. It is known that the more severe the disease, the longer the symptoms can be expressed.

How long is coronavirus treated in a hospital?

It all depends on the severity of the condition. Some patients require 1-2 weeks in the clinic to recover and go home for aftercare, others may take 3-4 weeks or more to recover and be discharged home.

Should everyone with a cold be tested for the coronavirus?

No. If you’re just coughing or sneezing and your cold is mild, there’s probably no reason to get tested for coronavirus. The decision is made by the doctor.

Should I take antibiotics for coronavirus?

Antibiotics do not work against viruses – they can only cure bacterial and fungal infections.

A doctor may prescribe antibiotics in the treatment of coronavirus, but only if, against the background of a decrease in immunity, bacterial or fungal ones have been added to the underlying disease. Taking them on your own is dangerous.

Will garlic help against coronavirus?

Garlic has some antimicrobial properties, but there is no evidence that garlic is effective against coronavirus. And as a prophylaxis against this infection, it is useless.

Self-treatment is unacceptable. A consultation and examination by a doctor is required, who will prescribe the correct treatment.

What medicines for coronavirus can be obtained for free?

All drugs prescribed by a doctor must be provided to the patient within the framework of state guarantees for compulsory medical insurance. If necessary, devices for measuring oxygenation (blood oxygen saturation) – a pulse oximeter and tools for telemedicine consultations can also be provided.

In hospitals, treatment is also carried out within the framework of compulsory medical insurance.

When should I urgently see a doctor or call an ambulance for coronavirus?

Reasons to see a doctor are:

● temperature above 38,5 °C for more than 3 days;

● disturbance of consciousness;

● saturation level below 95%;

● pressure drop below 100/70 mm Hg. Art.;

● uncontrolled increase in pressure above 150/90 mm Hg. Art.


  1. Alekseeva E.I., Tepaev R.F., Shilkrot I.Yu., et al. COVID-19-associated secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (“cytokine storm” syndrome) // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. – 2021. – T. 76. – No. 1. – C. 51-66. doi:10.15690/vramn1410
  2. Starshinova A.A., Kushnareva E.A., Malkova A.M., Dovgalyuk I.F., Kudlay D.A. NEW CORONAVIRUS INFECTION: FEATURES OF THE CLINICAL COURSE, POSSIBILITIES OF DIAGNOSTICS, TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF INFECTION IN ADULTS AND CHILDREN // VSP. 2020. №2. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/novaya-koronavirusnaya-infektsiya-osobennosti-klinicheskogo-techeniya-vozmozhnosti-diagnostiki-lecheniya-i-profilaktiki-infektsii-u
  3. Interim guidelines “Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)” dated May 7, 2021. https://static-0.minzdrav.gov.ru/system/attachments/attaches/000/055/735/original/BMP_COVID-19.pdf
  4. How to treat coronavirus at home StopCoronavirus.rf https://stopcoronavirus.rf/news/20201121-1801.html
  5. Mazankova L.N., Samitova E.R., Loban N.V. Symptomatic therapy of acute respiratory diseases in children, including those with a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Pediatric Practice 2021;(2):11-5.

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