What is the secret of the longevity of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip?

Elizabeth II is the oldest head of state in the world. Prince Philip lived to be almost a hundred years old. The Queen Mother died at the age of 101. What makes members of the British royal family famous for their longevity?

  1. British Queen Elizabeth will be 21 on April 95. He has been sitting on the British throne for 68 years and is the oldest and longest-reigning head of state in the world
  2. Her husband, Prince Philip, died two months before his 100th birthday
  3. One of the reasons for Elizabeth II’s longevity is that she supposedly never lit a cigarette. Although a lot was smoked in her family
  4. Regular physical activity also had an influence, many members of the royal family practiced horseback riding
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Longevity of Elizabeth II. Quit smoking

The future British Queen Elizabeth II grew up in an environment where smoking was very fashionable. Unfortunately, the serious health consequences of smoking were also common in her family.

Her father, George VI Windsor, had his left lung removed in 1951 because of smoking. Her grandfather, Jerzy V, died at the age of 70, incl. because of breathing problems related to smoking. Elizabeth II’s great-grandfather, Edward VII, died of bronchitis, which was exacerbated by smoking 12 cigars a day. Edward VIII, a king who abdicated in 1936, died of laryngeal cancer and smoking-related heart disease.

Princess Margaret smoked so much that when Vanessa Kirby played her as a young Margaret on The Crown, she found consuming industrial amounts of herbal cigarettes as one of the most difficult parts of the role.

So Elizabeth II lost her sister, father, uncle, grandfather and great-grandfather to smoking-related diseases. This is why the current queen reportedly never lit a cigarette and forced Prince Philip to give up the addiction right after his wedding.

  1. What is known about Queen Elizabeth’s health?

The decision not to smoke is one of the main reasons for Elizabeth II and Philip’s longevity. The nicotine addiction shortens life by several or a dozen years, and the risk was even greater if you take into account the huge amounts of unfiltered tobacco smoked by Elizabeth’s ancestors.

Longevity of Elizabeth II. Regular physical activity

One of the places where more centenarians live than anywhere else in the world is the Japanese island of Okinawa. There, physical activity is an integral part of everyday life.

It is similar in the royal family. The activity is mainly related to horse riding. Prince Philip and Prince Charles played polo, Princess Anna, daughter of Elizabeth II, was a member of the British Olympic team and world horse riding champion. The sport is also no stranger to the queen herself. Royal family members spend most of their time in enormous estates designed for hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities that burn calories.

  1. What had Prince Philip been ill before?

Members of the Royal Family must remember about being active, because they know perfectly well what its neglect leads to. The once very efficient Henry VIII Tudor became morbidly obese after an accident during a tournament in 1536. Queen Victoria barely moved in the last years of her reign, and her obesity was hidden under carefully selected gowns.

The Longevity of the British Royal Family. Constant and good medical care

As the recent stay of Prince Philip in the hospital has shown, the royal family can count on the help of the best British medical specialists. On the other hand, neither Queen Elizabeth II nor Prince Philip had ever experienced a serious health crisis, so they did not have to find out for themselves what would happen if greater involvement of doctors was needed.

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So it’s not even about quality of care, it’s about consistency. Many Britons die of cancer or heart problems that are not diagnosed early. For members of the royal family, such neglect is unlikely to be an option.

The longevity of Queen Elizabeth II. Healthy diet

A common feature of regions famous for longevity is a healthy diet. The inhabitants of Sardinia, Okinawa and the Greek island of Ikaria, where many people live to be 90 years old, eat mostly plant foods, fish and whole grains, and avoid processed foods.

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The same is true of the British royal family. A third of Britons are obese but eat differently outside than in a typical British family. Instead of fried and hard-to-digest food, Buckingham Palace focuses on fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as game and locally caught fish. Due to the various estates, the manor has easy access to fresh, varied, fresh, local food.

The health and condition of Queen Elizabeth may also be beneficial… alcohol. According to Food and Wine magazine, the queen drinks four different drinks every day, spread out over time, of course. However, there is no evidence that alcohol can affect life expectancy, but many centenarians report that percentages consumed them, of course in moderate amounts, helped them reach this age.

The longevity of Queen Elizabeth II. A reason to live

Life for a senior is not easy. I am associated with diseases, fatigue, worse sleep and weaker functioning of the senses. However, as shown by many studies, for such people a goal in life is very important. According to the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, volunteers live longer, as do people with strong religious beliefs, researchers at Ohio State University have found.

  1. Diet for longevity

And it is difficult to imagine a senior in the world who would have a greater life goal than Queen Elizabeth II. Given the modest popularity of her son Charles, the British monarchy may face serious challenges when it comes to replacing her on the throne. With the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Britain will have to face its most groundbreaking event since the Second World War.

Elizabeth is as aware of this as any other Briton.

The Longevity of the British Royal Family. Good genes

Both Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth avoided serious ailments that could significantly shorten their lives, such as heart disease, cancer or neurological diseases.

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And the threat was considerable, due to the low genetic diversity typical of European royal families. Thanks to Queen Victoria, hemophilia appeared in the British royal family, later also in the Spanish royal family, in the family of the German emperor and the Romanov family. In turn, King George III, Elizabeth’s great-great-grandfather, became famous due to serious mental disorders.

However, despite not very large genetic exchange in the Windsor family, both Elizabeth II and Philip and their descendants managed to avoid genetic disorders.

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  3. Prince Philip helped solve a murder mystery from a hundred years ago

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