The Samurai diet was created for people who care primarily about health, nutrition consistent with the needs of the body and the need for more carbohydrates, e.g. physically active, but not only. It can also be successfully used by non-exerciseers who want to pay attention to improving immunity or, for example, by breastfeeding women.
The Samurai Diet it assumes the rejection of anti-nutritional factors, those that can cause food intolerances, increase the risk of autoimmune diseases and allergies. All products containing particles that could damage the intestines and enter the bloodstream are eliminated. In this way, the diet rejects casein, which is present in dairy products, gluten present in cereals, e.g. wheat and rye, phytic acid, found in legumes. In order to eliminate insoluble sources of dietary fiber, which could reduce the absorption of vitamins and minerals, you should also watch out for nuts and seeds.
The Samurai Diet assumes eating nutritious meals that will affect the acceleration of regeneration processes, more energy, and well-being. All artificial additives in the form of sweets, fast food, broth cubes or Chinese soups should be excluded from the diet. All highly processed products disappear from the diet, and vegetables, fruits, eggs, good quality meat, fish and gluten-free sources of carbohydrates: potatoes, sweet potatoes, buckwheat and millet groats jump in their place.
If you want to use the Samurai diet, it is worth examining the condition of the intestines and stomach. The use of probiotic therapy and the appropriate level of acidification of the stomach is the basis in the fight for health. When the body begins to act according to physiology, Samurai diet provides for the introduction of raw, easily digestible products such as sashimi or shakes with egg yolks. It is also worth consulting a dietitian in order to choose the right, individualized supplementation.
How to break down carbohydrates in the Samurai diet?
Carbohydrate meals can be eaten according to different systems, depending on individual needs. You can eat them around training, i.e. 1,5-2 hours before training, take care of eating complex carbohydrates, i.e. groats, sweet potatoes or rice in combination with meat and vegetables, and after training, in order to provide the necessary dose of energy, take simple carbohydrates, e.g. in the form of a sweet shake.
Another method is carbohydrate rotation, i.e. increasing the amount of carbohydrates in meals during the day and in the evening. This allows you to maintain the proper functioning of the insulin economy, and the stored energy in the form of glycogen is released the next morning.
The Samurai Diet is a good solution for those who want to take care of their health, especially for physically active people, regardless of the goals – building muscle mass or losing weight – properly arranged will work in any case.