What is the name of the plate: for oysters

What is the name of the plate: for oysters

The question, what is the name of the plate for oysters, arises after visiting an expensive fish restaurant. The seafood delicacy is served in a variety of dishes that resemble a work of art. This masterpiece became popular several centuries ago in Europe.

The correct name for the oyster plate

To find out what the oyster plate is called, you need to turn to history.

In many establishments, oysters are served on a round metal tray filled with ice. This allows the seafood to stay fresh while open. In the middle of the plate is a sliced ​​lemon, which is the perfect accompaniment to the delicacy.

The modern presentation is democratic. Specialty oyster plates, designed in the Victorian era, have remained only in elite establishments. Unusual tableware amazes guests’ imagination more than a seafood delicacy. Oyster plates are kept by wealthy families as an inherited heirloom. Collectors dream of getting them. In the last century, this attribute has been an integral part of serving. Now only the best restaurants can afford it.

The oyster plate is called the chill mold. It appeared in European countries in 1800, when shellfish gained popularity among all segments of the population. Wealthy citizens enjoyed them at every celebration. Then the need arose for a beautiful serving of oysters.

Plants for the production of porcelain dishes did not leave the sensational dish unattended. Following Europe, the fashion for this serving element was taken up by the Americans. The plate resembles a large shell, inside of which there are separate grooves for eating.

The number of holes ranges from 2 to 24. The most popular were plates for 6, 9 and 12 clams. Some of them had depressions for lemon and sauce. One of the most expensive is a plate that has a handle like a frying pan. It contains 4 holes.

The diameter of the grooves depends on the feeding method. The product can be served:

  • in a sink with ice – on a platter with wide holes;
  • in a sink without ice – on a medium-sized plate;
  • without a sink – on small plates.

There is a bivalve clam with special utensils, you can only use an oyster fork. The design of the plate is dominated by marine motives. In all their variety, they are presented at art exhibitions.

Kokil refers to works of art. It is made of fine porcelain and painted by hand.

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