What is the mobilization ball used for?

Le balloon is a very useful mobilization tool on the day of childbirth. It will allow you to perform exercises that will mobilize your pelvis and facilitate the baby’s descent. Carrying you, the ball helps soothe and relieve the pain of contractions. It provides a pleasant feeling of floating. If you feel a little stiff, it allows you to move more easily. Try several positions to find the ones that relax you the most.

Prepare for childbirth with a mobilization balloon

During labor, the midwife may suggest several exercises with the ball. The goal? Help you relax and promote the descent of the baby. Indeed, the more we change position, the more chances that the baby will end up in the right direction. If the baby is positioned well, the dilation of the cervix will be easier. It is preferable to know beforehand how to use it, by following specific childbirth preparation courses.

Here are some basics:

  • Sitting on the ball, you perform circular movements with the pelvis. 
  • You can get on all fours, forearms resting on the ball. The belly is in the void.
  • Cross-legged, leaning forward on the ball. The balloon allows the rocking.
  • Lying on your side, you you press the ball to stretch.
  • Standing with your loins against the wall, place the ball on your back and lean back. The vertical position is interesting during dilation.

Childbirth and mobilization balloon: testimonials

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