On a December evening, Tatyana, one of the participants in my Fly Lady Marathon-Take off, asked me very good questions:
«The monotony is annoying, the same thing in the morning and in the evening, I don’t feel any joy from this at all. What to change? How to change your attitude towards this? Just tired. As in the morning I imagine that everything is anew, so hands fall … »
I thought a lot about these questions, trying to understand why it is boring for some women to keep order, while for others, cleaning is somehow easy and natural, by itself.
And I remembered that back in the fall, my mother said one important phrase that firmly stuck in my head:
“You can organize a house, if there is a reason. If there is something in life for which it is necessary that everyday life does not interfere.
And now I’m sure that’s the point. If a woman understands the meaning of her life, then even the monotony of daily household chores ceases to be boring.
And for us, women, there are three main options for the meaning of life, three roles.
The first role is a life partner
She believes that marriage is once and for all life. She does not doubt for a second who the Head of the family is, and for her the main thing is the success of her man. She will always take care of his interests, encourage and inspire him to exploits, keep his books and silently bring shells.
If you feel that this is your path, be sure that the goals of life and the values uXNUMXbuXNUMXbof your man are close and understandable to you. It is necessary that you feel that investing in such a man is both a benefit, and joy, and happiness.
In addition, it is necessary to realize that the Life Companion is not just a caring and obedient quiet housewife. If a man becomes more and more successful every day, his requirements for the Companion will grow, and your task is not only to help the man, but also to keep up with yourself.
The second role is a female rocket
She has a Purpose. Sometimes, especially at the very beginning of the journey, these are just plans for the next couple of years. Sometimes it’s purpose.
Such a woman may well be a wife and mother. And if she is a wise woman, she will have a great family that helps her achieve her goal. But the Rocket Woman knows that family is just a means. The main thing is her Projects, her Goals, her Mission.
The third role is a woman-mother
She is sure that there should be at least two children. Three is better. Better — even more.
Her children are her projects and the main task is to raise worthy people who will either do a lot of good in this world or will be excellent helpers to other efficient and intelligent people.
She invests in each child, sees her own special meaning in each. Children in such a family do not just grow up, they are brought up and developed.
There are great women who are able to take on all three roles, and, of course, I wish there were more of them. But unfortunately, it often happens that people themselves do not know what they want and just go with the flow. Therefore, if you even think about why you live, you are already a hundred steps ahead.
Sometimes, with the passage of life and the acquisition of new experience, we change, and yesterday’s Rocket becomes Mom. It happens, and this is normal, because each role is good in its own way.
More importantly, all three roles can have a different scope. You can become the wife of a loader, or you can become the wife of the president. You can make the entrance clean and beautiful, or you can make the planet. You can grow one genius, or you can grow ten. What are you worth? What scale of tasks will make you happy?
But most importantly, whatever role you choose for yourself, it gives you meaning. And you are already doing the usual household chores, not just because it is necessary, but because a cozy home and a loving wife inspire your beautiful man to exploits. Or because it is important for you that nothing distracts from your affairs and projects. Or because you want to teach kids how to clean up quickly, easily, and with a smile on their face.
Let’s not think about cleaning, but about the meaning and the important tasks that you set for yourself. And getting your house in order is easy, really.
Video from Yana Shchastya: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov
Topics of conversation: What kind of woman do you need to be in order to successfully marry? How many times do men get married? Why are there so few normal men? Childfree. Parenting. What is love? A story that couldn’t be better. Paying for the opportunity to be close to a beautiful woman.